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The ABC Day saw a lot of familiar, but also quite some new fresh faces ... great to see the abc community thriving a growing!

After a series of online events, the ABC Day took place in person at LAB111.
We had the opportunity to finally meet again and hear from the different ABC themes and transversal perspectives.

  • The scientific presentations by Alexandra SarafoglouRuth van Holst and Lucas Molleman triggered a lot of questions from the audience, and were great examples of the type of interdisciplinary research in which ABC members excel.
  • The highlight of the day was certainly the keynote lecture by Luiz Pessoa, in which he questioned the fundamental assumption that links brain regions to specific functions. The day was capped by the
  • ABC Awards, that went to Vanessa van Ast (ABC Junior Award) and to the founding members of ABC (Senior Award).
  • Poster presentations were judged by a jury during the networking session and prizes were given to Anna Filmer (FMG), Michal Korenar (FGW), and Jack Peters (FMG).

Although ABC may enter a new era in 2023, the scientific network that ABC researchers created over the years will definitely persist and foster great science!

Big Thank You! to the ABC Day 2022 organizing committee,
chaired by Umberto Olcese (FNWI), and consisting of Tara Arbab (AMC), Imme Lammertink (FGW), Steven Scholte (FMG), and Renée Visser (FMG)

Umberto Olcese opening the ABC Day
Keynote Lecture by Luiz Pessoa
Guido van Wingen for the ABC Board of Directors
ABC Junior Award for Vanessa van Ast
ABC Senior Award: Henkjan Honing and Harm Krugers for the founding members of ABC
Poster Prize Winners: Jack Peters (FMG), Anna Filmer (FMG), and Michal Korenar (FGW) - (from left to right)
Checking in
and catching up
during walk-in lunch
Poster Session
The Organizing Committee