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Prof. dr. B.U. (Birte) Forstmann

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Programme group Brain and Cognition
Area of expertise: Model-based cognitive neuroscience
Photographer: Jeroen Oerlemans

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 129
  • Room number: G 3.06
Postal address
  • Postbus 15915
    1001 NK Amsterdam
  • Profile

    My research vision is to understand the neural circuitry of mental functions by
    using state-of-the-art technology and with a strong focus on the Deep Brain – a
    highly uncharted territory in the brain. My work combines mathematical modeling with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), diffusion weighted imaging (DWI), ultra-high resolution 7T MRI, electroencephalography (EEG), and postmortem studies.


    Research grants & honours


    • NWO Scientific Meeting grant e6000 together with F. van Harreveld, G. van Wingen, J. vEngelmann, H. Kruegers and J. Schaefer for the annual Amsterdam Brain and Cognition Day to be held in Amsterdam.
    • NWO Scientific Meeting grant e5000 together with D. Matzke and N. Stevenson for the annual model-based cognitive neuroscience summer school to be held in Amsterdam.


    • The project “Unified histological and MRI reconstructions of the Alzheimer brain (3D-AD)” was awarded an 48 months e767.597 ZonMw grant from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) together Anneke Alkemade, Laura Jonkman, Louise van der Weerd, and Pierre-Louis Bazin.
    • The project “Atlas of the Human Deep Brain Nuclei, Connections, and Vasculature” was awarded an 18 months e150,000 Proof of concept (PoC) grant from the European Research Council (ERC).
    • NWO Scientific Meeting grant e8000 together with P. Lucassen, T. de Vries, I. Willuhn and G. van Wingen for a joint the meeting in Amsterdam entitled ‘A computational cognitive neuroscience perspective on the Deep Brain in health and disease’.
    • NWO Scientific Meeting grant e5000 together with D. Matzke and R. Innes for the annual model-based cognitive neuroscience summer school to be held in Amsterdam.


    • ABC Seed Funding for Network Consolidation Grant e25,000 together with A. Alkemade and J. Engelmann.
    • ABC Visiting Professor (VIP) Grant e7500 for VIP Prof. Peter Dayan to stay in Amsterdam in 2022 and 2023.


    • The project “Deep Brain: Decision mechanisms in deep brain networks" was awarded a five-year e2,000,000 Consolidator Grant from the European Research Council.
    • ABC Visiting Professor (VIP) Grant e7500 for VIP Prof. Andrew Heathcote to stay in Amsterdam in 2019 and 2020.


    • The project “ATLAS: Atlas for deep brain stimulation” was awarded an 18 months e150,000 Proof of concept (PoC) grant from the European Research Council (ERC).
    • The project “The brain at depth: A model-based cognitive neuroscience approach to the human subcortex” was awarded a five-year e1,500,000 “Vici” grant from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO).


    • NWO Open Access Conference Session grant e2500 for the International Conference of Cognitive Neuroscience (ICON) XIII to be held in Amsterdam in 2017.
    • William K. and Katherine W. Estes Fund $15,000 for the 4th summer school “Model-based cognitive neuroscience” summer school to be held in Amsterdam in 2017.


    • ABC Visiting Professor (VIP) Grant e7500 for VIP Prof. Mark Steyvers to stay in Amsterdam in 2017 and 2018.
    • ABC Talent Grant e100,000 for a one-year project “Mapping cortico-subcortical networks with UHF-MRI”.
    • Partner investigator on the Australian Research Council AUD$492,000 three-year project “Modelling trajectories of cognitive control in adolescents and young adults" at the University of Newcastle (chief investigators: Frini Karayanidis, Mark Steyvers, Sharna Jamadar, Guy Hawkins, Roshel Lenroot, Patricia Michie). Project duration: 2017-2020.


    • The project “Atlasing the human subcortex” was awarded a four-year e850,000 grant from STW-NWO.
    • The summer school “Model-based cognitive neuroscience” was awarded e14,600 grant from the Volkswagenstiftung together with Leendert v. Maanen (UvA), Jane Neumann (MPI Leipzig), Guy Hawkins (UvA), and Roger Ratcliff (Ohio State University).
    • The project “Detailed neuroanatomical insight in the human subthalamic nucleus in Parkinson’s disease” was awarded a two-year e142,000 grant from the Stichting Internationaal Parkinson Fonds (the Dutch Parkinson Foundation) together with Anneke Alkemade (UvA).
    • The project “Ultra-high resolution 7T fMRI of the midbrain” was awarded a one-year e35,000 grant from the Amsterdam Center for Brain & Cognition.


    • The project “Subdivisions of the Subthalamic Nucleus” was awarded a two-year e35,000 grant from the Hersenstichting Nederland (the Dutch Brain Foundation) together with Anneke Alkemade (UvA).


    • The project “Speeded Decision-Making in the Basal Ganglia: An Integrative Model-Based Approach" was awarded a five-year e1,500,000 Starting Grant from the European Research Council.
    • The project “When the Brain Takes a Break: A Model-Based Cognitive Neuroscience Account of Task-Unrelated Thoughts" was awarded a five-year e800,000 “Vidi" grant from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO).
    • Aspasia grant e100,000 from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO).
    • Inaugural recipient of the Newcastle Psychology Research Visitor Fellowship, AUD$5,000.


    • Partner investigator on the Australian Research Council AUD$134,000 three-year project “Rapid Decisions: From Neuroscience to Complex Cognitions" at the University of Newcastle (chief investigators: Scott Brown, Ami Eidels, and Andrew Heath- cote). Project duration: 2012-2014.
    • Partner investigator on the Australian Research Council AUD$387,000 three-year project “Cognitive Flexibility from Adolescence to Senescence: Variability Associated with Cognitive Strategy and Brain Connectivity" at the University of Newcastle (chief investigators: Frini Karayanidis, Rhoshel Lenroot, Mark Parsons, and Patricia Michie). Project duration: 2012-2014.
    • The e23,000 Academy Colloquium proposal “New Insights from Model-Based Cognitive Neuroscience" was funded by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW). Fellow applicant is Eric-Jan Wagenmakers.
    • The “MaGW open competition" PhD project “A dynamic and formal account of what people do before and after they make an error" was awarded a four-year e208,193 grant from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). Fellow applicants are Eric-Jan Wagenmakers (UvA), Sander Nieuwenhuis (Leiden University), and Han van der Maas (UvA).


    • The “ALW open competition" postdoc project “The neural basis of decision-making with multiple choice alternatives" was awarded a three-year e228,921 grant from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). Fellow applicants are Eric-Jan Wagenmakers (UvA), Sander Nieuwenhuis (Leiden University), Rafal Bogacz (University of Bristol), Scott Brown (University of Newcastle), John Serences (UCSD), and Han van der Maas (UvA).


    •  One-year PhD stipend for Max Keuken from the Max-Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany.
    • The project “Decision-making and adaptive control over impulsive actions" was awarded a e580,000 focal point (“Zwaartepunt") grant from the University of Amsterdam. Fellow applicants include Richard Ridderinkhof (UvA), Frans van Winden (UvA), Damiaan Denys (UvA), and Eric-Jan Wagenmakers (UvA).
    • The “ALW open competition" PhD project “The anatomical and neurochemical foundations of decision-making under time pressure", was awarded a four-year e218,000 grant from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). Fellow applicants are Roshan Cools (Donders Institute), Rich Ivry (UC Berkeley), Richard Ridderinkhof (UvA), Wery van der Wildenberg (UvA), and Eric-Jan Wagenmakers (UvA).


    • The project “Structural and neural correlates of individual differences in inhibition across the adult lifespan" was awarded a three-year e208,000 “Veni" grant from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO).
    • The project “Human cognition and the basal ganglia: Where response selection and inhibition meet" was awarded a three-year e10,000 “van Gogh" grant from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). Fellow applicants together with Boris Burle (CNRS) and Wery van den Wildenberg (UvA).


    • The project “Diffusion Processes in the Brain" was awarded a one-year e28,220 “pilot" grant from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). Fellow applicants are Eric-Jan Wagenmakers (UvA), Scott Brown (University of Newcastle), and Jane Neumann (MPI Leipzig).
  • Research

    Research methods

    • Ultra-high field MRI
    • Postmortem neuroanatomy
  • Teaching

    PhD Supervision

  • Publications


    • Groot, J. M., Miletic, S., Isherwood, S. J. S., Tse, D. H. Y., Habli, S., Håberg, A. K., Bazin, P. L., Mittner, M., & Forstmann, B. U. (2024). A high-resolution 7 Tesla resting-state fMRI dataset optimized for studying the subcortex. Data in Brief, 55, Article 110668.
    • Stevenson, N., Innes, R. J., Boag, R. J., Miletić, S., Isherwood, S. J. S., Trutti, A. C., Heathcote, A., & Forstmann, B. U. (2024). Joint Modelling of Latent Cognitive Mechanisms Shared Across Decision-Making Domains. Computational Brain and Behavior, 7(1), 1-22.


    • Alkemade, A., Großmann, R., Bazin, P.-L., & Forstmann, B. U. (2023). Mixed methodology in human brain research: integrating MRI and histology. Brain Structure and Function, 228(6), 1399-1410. [details]
    • Cerracchio, E., Miletić, S., & Forstmann, B. U. (2023). Modelling decision-making biases. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 17, Article 1222924. [details]
    • Derksen, M., Zuidinga, B., van der Veer, M., Rhemrev, V., Jolink, L., Reneman, L., Nederveen, A., Forstmann, B., Feenstra, M., Willuhn, I., & Denys, D. (2023). A comparison of how deep brain stimulation in two targets with anti-compulsive efficacy modulates brain activity using fMRI in awake rats. Psychiatry Research - Neuroimaging, 330, Article 111611.
    • Groot, J. M., Miletic, S., Isherwood, S. J. S., Tse, D. H. Y., Habli, S., Håberg, A. K., Forstmann, B. U., Bazin, P.-L., & Mittner, M. (2023). Echoes from Intrinsic Connectivity Networks in the Subcortex. Journal of Neuroscience, 43(39), 6609-6618. [details]
    • Isherwood, S. J. S., Bazin, P., Miletić, S., Stevenson, N. R., Trutti, A. C., Tse, D. H. Y., Heathcote, A., Matzke, D., Innes, R. J., Habli, S., Sokołowski, D. R., Alkemade, A., Håberg, A. K., & Forstmann, B. U. (2023). Investigating Intra-Individual Networks of Response Inhibition and Interference Resolution using 7T MRI. NeuroImage, 271, Article 119988. [details]











    • Alkemade, A., Keuken, M. C., & Forstmann, B. U. (2013). A perspective on terra incognita: uncovering the neuroanatomy of the human subcortex. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy, 7, Article 40. [details]
    • Dutilh, G., Forstmann, B., Vandekerckhove, J., & Wagenmakers, E-J. (2013). A diffusion model account of age differences in post-error slowing. Psychology and Aging, 28(1), 64-76. [details]
    • Keuken, M. C., Bazin, P-L., Schäfer, A., Neumann, J., Turner, R., & Forstmann, B. U. (2013). Ultra-high 7T MRI of structural age-related changes of the subthalamic nucleus. The Journal of Neuroscience, 33(11), 4896-4900. [details]
    • Mulder, M. J., Keuken, M. C., van Maanen, L., Boekel, W. E., Forstmann, B. U., & Wagenmakers, E. J. (2013). The speed and accuracy of perceptual decisions in a random-tone pitch task. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 75(5), 1048-1058. [details]
    • Turner, B. M., Forstmann, B. U., Wagenmakers, E-J., Brown, S. D., Sederberg, P. B., & Steyvers, M. (2013). A Bayesian framework for simultaneously modeling neural and behavioral data. NeuroImage, 72, 193-206. Advance online publication. [details]


    • Boehm, U., van Maanen, L., Forstmann, B., & van Rijn, H. (2012). Model-based prediction of between-trial fluctuations in response caution from EEG data. In N. Rußwinkel, U. Drewitz, & H. van Rijn (Eds.), Proceedings of ICCM 2012: 11th international Conference on Cognitive Modeling (pp. 273-274). Universitätsverlag der TU Berlin.
    • Dutilh, G., Vandekerckhove, J., Forstmann, B. U., Keuleers, E., Brysbaert, M., & Wagenmakers, E-J. (2012). Testing theories of post-error slowing. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 74(2), 454-465. [details]
    • Dutilh, G., van Ravenzwaaij, D., Nieuwenhuis, S., van der Maas, H. L. J., Forstmann, B. U., & Wagenmakers, E-J. (2012). How to measure post-error slowing: A confound and a simple solution. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 56(3), 208-216. [details]
    • Forstmann, B. U., Keuken, M. C., Jahfari, S., Bazin, P-L., Neumann, J., Schäfer, A., Anwander, A., & Turner, R. (2012). Cortico-subthalamic white matter tract strength predicts interindividual efficacy in stopping a motor response. NeuroImage, 60(1), 370-375. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Ho, T., Brown, S., van Maanen, L., Forstmann, B. U., Wagenmakers, E-J., & Serences, J. T. (2012). The optimality of sensory processing during the speed-accuracy tradeoff. The Journal of Neuroscience, 32(23), 7992-8003. [details]
    • Jahfari, S., Verbruggen, F., Frank, M. J., Waldorp, L. J., Colzato, L., Ridderinkhof, K. R., & Forstmann, B. U. (2012). How preparation changes the need for top-down control of the basal ganglia when inhibiting premature actions. The Journal of Neuroscience, 32(32), 10870-10878. [details]
    • Keuken, M. C., Uylings, H. B. M., Geyer, S., Schäfer, A., Turner, R., & Forstmann, B. U. (2012). Are there three subdivisions in the primate subthalamic nucleus? Frontiers in Neuroanatomy, 6, Article 14. [details]
    • Mulder, M. J., Wagenmakers, E-J., Ratcliff, R., Boekel, W., & Forstmann, B. U. (2012). Bias in the brain: A diffusion model analysis of prior probability and potential payoff. The Journal of Neuroscience, 32(7), 2335-2343. [details]
    • Schäfer, A., Forstmann, B. U., Neumann, J., Wharton, S., Mietke, A., Bowtell, R., & Turner, R. (2012). Direct visualization of the subthalamic nucleus and its iron distribution using high-resolution susceptibility mapping. Human Brain Mapping, 33(12), 2831-2842. [details]
    • Winkel, J., Wijnen, J. G., Danielmeijer, C., Groen, I. I. A., Derfuss, J., Ridderinkhof, K. R., & Forstmann, B. U. (2012). Observed and self-experienced conflict induce similar behavioral and neural adaptation. Social Neuroscience, 7(4), 385-397. [details]
    • Winkel, J., van Maanen, L., Ratcliff, R., van der Schaaf, M. E., van Schouwenburg, M. R., Cools, R., & Forstmann, B. U. (2012). Bromocriptine does not alter speed-accuracy tradeoff. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 6, Article 126. [details]
    • van Maanen, L., Grasman, R. P. P. P., Forstmann, B. U., & Wagenmakers, E-J. (2012). Piéron's law and optimal behavior in perceptual decision-making. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 5, Article 143. [details]
    • van Maanen, L., Grasman, R. P. P. P., Forstmann, B. U., Keuken, M. C., Brown, S. D., & Wagenmakers, E-J. (2012). Similarity and number of alternatives in the random-dot motion paradigm. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 74(4), 739-753. [details]


    • Danielmeier, C., Eichele, T., Forstmann, B. U., Tittgemeyer, M., & Ullsperger, M. (2011). Posterior medial frontal cortex activity predicts post-error adaptations in task-related visual and motor areas. The Journal of Neuroscience, 31(5), 1780-1789. [details]
    • Forstmann, B. U., Tittgemeyer, M., Wagenmakers, E. J., Derrfuss, J., Imperati, D., & Brown, S. (2011). The speed-accuracy tradeoff in the elderly brain: a structural model-based approach. The Journal of Neuroscience, 31(47), 17242-17249. [details]
    • Forstmann, B. U., Wagenmakers, E-J., Eichele, T., Brown, S., & Serences, J. T. (2011). Reciprocal relations between cognitive neuroscience and formal cognitive models: opposites attract? Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 15(6), 272-279. [details]
    • Harsay, H. A., Cohen, M. X., Oosterhof, N. N., Forstmann, B. U., Mars, R. B., & Ridderinkhof, K. R. (2011). Functional connectivity of the striatum links motivation to action control in humans. The Journal of Neuroscience, 31(29), 10701-10711. [details]
    • Jahfari, S., Waldorp, L., van den Wildenberg, W. P. M., Scholte, H. S., Ridderinkhof, K. R., & Forstmann, B. U. (2011). Effective connectivity reveals important roles for both the hyperdirect (fronto-subthalamic) and indirect (fronto-striatal-pallidal) fronto-basal ganglia pathways during response inhibition. The Journal of Neuroscience, 31(18), 6891-6899. [details]
    • Krypotos, A. M., Jahfari, S., van Ast, V. A., Kindt, M., & Forstmann, B. U. (2011). Individual differences in heart rate variability predict the degree of slowing during response inhibition and initiation in the presence of emotional stimuli. Frontiers in Psychology, 2, Article 278. [details]
    • Mansfield, E. L., Karayanidis, F., Jamadar, S., Heathcote, A., & Forstmann, B. U. (2011). Adjustments of response threshold during task switching: a model-based functional magnetic resonance imaging study. The Journal of Neuroscience, 31(41), 14688-14692. [details]
    • Nieuwenhuis, S., Forstmann, B. U., & Wagenmakers, E-J. (2011). Erroneous analyses of interactions in neuroscience: a problem of significance. Nature Neuroscience, 14(9), 1105-1107. [details]
    • Ridderinkhof, K. R., Forstmann, B. U., Wylie, S. A., Burle, B., & van den Wildenberg, W. P. M. (2011). Neurocognitive mechanisms of action control: resisting the call of the sirens. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews. Cognitive Science, 2(2), 174-192. [details]
    • van Maanen, L., Brown, S. D., Eichele, T., Wagenmakers, E-J., Ho, T., Serences, J., & Forstmann, B. U. (2011). Neural correlates of trial-to-trial fluctuations in response caution. The Journal of Neuroscience, 31(48), 17488-17495. [details]


    • Bogacz, R., Wagenmakers, E. J., Forstmann, B. U., & Nieuwenhuis, S. (2010). The neural basis of the speed-accuracy tradeoff. Trends in Neurosciences, 33(1), 10-16. [details]
    • Forstmann, B. U., Anwander, A., Schäfer, A., Neumann, J., Brown, S., Wagenmakers, E. M., Bogacz, R., & Turner, R. (2010). Cortico-striatal connections predict control over speed and accuracy in perceptual decision making. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 107(36), 15916-15920. [details]
    • Forstmann, B. U., Brown, S., Dutilh, G., Neumann, J., & Wagenmakers, E-J. (2010). The neural substrate of prior information in perceptual decision making: a model-based analysis. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 4, Article 40. [details]
    • Karayanidis, F., Jamadar, S., Ruge, H., Phillips, N., Heathcote, A., & Forstmann, B. U. (2010). Advance preparation in task-switching: converging evidence from behavioral, brain activation and model-based approaches. Frontiers in Psychology, 1, 25. Article 25. [details]
    • van den Wildenberg, W. P. M., Wylie, S. A., Forstmann, B. U., Burle, B., Hasbroucq, T., & Ridderinkhof, K. R. (2010). To head or to heed? Beyond the surface of selective action inhibition: a review. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 4, Article 222. [details]


    • Winkel, J., Wijnen, J. G., Ridderinkhof, K. R., Groen, I. I. A., Derrfuss, J., Danielmeier, C., & Forstmann, B. U. (2009). Your conflict matters to me! Behavioral and neural manifestations of control adjustment after self-experienced and observed decision-conflict. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 3, Article 57. [details]


    • Forstmann, B. U., Dutilh, G., Brown, S., Neumann, J., von Cramon, D. Y., Ridderinkhof, K. R., & Wagenmakers, E-J. (2008). Striatum and pre-SMA facilitate decision-making under time pressure. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 105(45), 17538-17542. [details]
    • Forstmann, B. U., Jahfari, S., Scholte, H. S., Wolfensteller, U., van den Wildenberg, W. P. M., & Ridderinkhof, K. R. (2008). Function and structure of the right inferior frontal cortex predict individual differences in response inhibition: a model-based approach. The Journal of Neuroscience, 28(39), 9790-9796. [details]
    • Forstmann, B. U., Wolfensteller, U., Derrfuss, J., Neumann, J., Brass, M., Ridderinkhof, K. R., & von Cramon, D. Y. (2008). When the choice is ours: Context and agency modulate the neural bases of decision-making. PLoS ONE, 3(4), Article e1899. [details]
    • Forstmann, B. U., van den Wildenberg, W. P. M., & Ridderinkhof, K. R. (2008). Neural mechanisms, temporal dynamics, and individual differences in interference control. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 20(10), 1854-1865. [details]


    • Csifcsák, G., Boayue, N. M., Aslaksen, P. M., Turi, Z., Antal, A., Groot, J., Hawkins, G. E., Forstmann, B. U., Opitz, A., Thielscher, A., & Mittner, M. (2019). Commentary: Transcranial stimulation of the frontal lobes increases propensity of mind-wandering without changing meta-awareness. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, Article 130. [details]


    • Ly, A., Böhm, U., Heathcote, A., Turner, B. M., Forstmann, B., Marsman, M., & Matzke, D. (2018). A flexible and efficient hierarchical Bayesian approach to the exploration of individual differences in cognitive-model-based neuroscience. In A. A. Moustafa (Ed.), Computational Models of Brain and Behavior (pp. 467-480). Wiley Blackwell. [details]
    • Turner, B. M., Miletić, S., & Forstmann, B. U. (2018). Outlook on deep neural networks in computational cognitive neuroscience. NeuroImage, 180(A), 117-118. Advance online publication. [details]


    • Keuken, M. C., Ly, A., Boekel, W., Wagenmakers, E.-M., Belay, L., Verhagen, J., Brown, S. D., & Forstmann, B. U. (2017). Corrigendum to “A purely confirmatory replication study of structural brain-behavior correlations” [Cortex 66 (2015) 115–133]. Cortex, 93, 229-233. [details]
    • Keuken, M. C., Müller-Axt, C., Langner, R., Eickhoff, S. B., Forstmann, B. U., & Neumann, J. (2017). Corrigendum: Brain networks of perceptual decision-making: an fMRI ALE meta-analysis. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 11, Article 139.




    • Ridderinkhof, K. R., Cohen, M. X., & Forstmann, B. U. (2011). Motivational modulation of action control: how interindividual variability may shed light on the motivation-control interface and its neurocognitive mechanisms. In R. B. Mars, J. Sallet, M. F. S. Rushworth, & N. Yeung (Eds.), Neural basis of motivational and cognitive control (pp. 243-262). MIT Press. [details]

    Prize / grant

    • Forstmann, B. (2019). Ammodo Award.
    • Forstmann, B. U. (2018). VICI grant “The brain at depth: A model-based cognitive neuroscience approach to the human subcortex” was awarded a five-year 1,500,000 E.
    • Forstmann, B. U. (2018). ERC Proof of concept beurs The project “ATLAS: Atlas for deep brain stimulation” 150kE.
    • van Maanen, L. & Forstmann, B. U. (2015). VolkswagenStiftung grant.
    • Forstmann, B. U. (2014). The project ‘Ultra-high resolution 7T fMRI of the midbrain’ was awarded a one-year € 35,000 grant from the Amsterdam Center for Brain & Cognition..
    • Forstmann, B. U. (2013). The project 'Subdivisions of the Subthalamic Nucleus' was awarded a two-year €35.000,- grant.
    • Forstmann, B. U. (2012). The project "Speeded Decision-Making in the Basal Ganglia: An Integrative Model- Based Approach" was awarded a five-year € 1,500,000 Starting Grant from the European Research Council.
    • Forstmann, B. U. (2012). Inaugural recipient of the Newcastle Psychology Research Visitor Fellowship, AUD $5,000..
    • Forstmann, B. U. (2012). The project "When the Brain Takes a Break: A Model-Based Cognitive Neuroscience Account of Task-Unrelated Thoughts" was awarded a five-year € 800,000 "Vidi" grant from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO)..
    • Forstmann, B. U. (2010). NWO ALW Open Competition grant together with E.-J. Wagenmakers (UvA), S. Nieuwenhuis (University of Leiden), R. Bogacz (University of Bristol), S. Brown (University of Newcastle), J. Serences (UCSD), and H. van der Maas (UvA).

    Membership / relevant position

    • Forstmann, B. U. (2018-2020). Member of the Wellcome’s Cognitive Neuroscience and Mental Health Expert Review Group (ERG). .
    • Forstmann, B. U. (2017-2020). Member of the organizing committee for the ICON XIV meeting in Helsinki, Finland..
    • Forstmann, B. U. (2015-2020). Member of the organizing committee for the NVP meeting in Egmond aan Zee, the Netherlands.
      , NVP meeting Egmond aan Zee.
    • Forstmann, B. U. (2015-2020). Member of the Young Academy of Europe (YAE)., Young Academy of Europe (YAE). .
    • Forstmann, B. U. (2014-2020). Member of the advisory committee for the inaugural Cognitive Computational Neuroscience (CCN) meeting in New York, USA, 2017.
    • Forstmann, B. U. (2010-2020). Spinoza Centre Amsterdam.
    • Forstmann, B. U. (2010). Organizer of the Mini-Symposium ‘Model-Based Neuroimaging and Decision Neuroscience’ at the Society for Neuroscience (SfN) Conference,, Society for Neuroscience (SfN), San Diego, USA.

    Journal editor

    • Forstmann, B. U. (editor) (2017-2020). NeuroImage (Journal).
    • Forstmann, B. U. (editor) (2016-2020). European Journal of Neuroscience (Journal).
    • Forstmann, B. U. (editor) (2015-2020). Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience (CABN). (Journal).
    • Forstmann, B. U. (editor) (2014). Cognitive Affective & Behavioral Neuroscience (Journal).

    Talk / presentation

    • Forstmann, B. U. (invited speaker) (15-11-2014). Model-based cognitive neurosciences, Invited keynote lecture at the opening ceremony of the Mind, Taiwan, November 2014.
    • Forstmann, B. U. (invited speaker) (1-7-2014). Functional and structural role of the human subcortex, Invited keynote lecture at the 12th International Cognitive Neuroscience Conference (ICON), Brisbane, Australia.


    • Forstmann, B. (organiser), Matzke, D. (organiser), Heathcote, A. (organiser), Innes, R. (organiser) & Stevenson, N. (organiser) (1-8-2022 - 5-8-2022). Model-based Neuroscience Summer School (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Forstmann, B. (organiser), Matzke, D. (organiser), Heathcote, A. (organiser), Miletić, S. (organiser) & Bazin, P.-L. (organiser) (5-8-2019 - 14-8-2019). Model-based Neuroscience Summer School and Brainhack (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Forstmann, B. U. (organiser), Matzke, D. (organiser), van Maanen, L. (organiser) & Heathcote, A. (organiser) (30-7-2018 - 3-8-2018). Model-based Neuroscience Summer School (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Forstmann, B. U. (participant) (2018). PhD committee member Michelle Colombo (Amsterdam University, NL) (other).
    • Forstmann, B. U. (participant) (2018). PhD committee member 2018 Lauretta Dekkers (Amsterdam University, NL) (other).
    • Forstmann, B. U. (participant) (2018). PhD committee member Yoshiuki Onuki (Rotterdam University, NL) (other).
    • Forstmann, B. U. (participant) (2018). Mentor in the career development program of the University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. (other).
    • Forstmann, B. U. (participant) (2018). Mentor in the career development program of Bergen University, Norway (other).
    • Forstmann, B. U. (organiser), Matzke, D. (organiser), Heathcote, A. (organiser), Hawkins, G. E. (organiser), van Maanen, L. (organiser) & de Hollander, G. (organiser) (31-7-2017 - 4-8-2017). Model-based Neuroscience Summer School (organising a conference, workshop, ...). http://(http://www.modelbasedneuroscience.c om/index.html
    • Forstmann, B. U. (participant) (2017 - 2020). Advisory council member of the International Association for the Study of Attention and Performance (other).
    • Forstmann, B. U. (participant) (2016 - 2020). Referee invited by the Weston Brain Institute, Canada (other).
    • Forstmann, B. U. (participant) (2016 - 2020). Referee invited by Parkinson’s UK (other).
    • van Maanen, L. (organiser) & Forstmann, B. U. (organiser) (1-6-2015 - 5-6-2015). International Summerschool Model-based Neuroscience., Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Forstmann, B. U. (participant) (2015 - 2020). Referee invited by the Australian Research Council (ARC). (other).
    • Forstmann, B. U. (participant) (2015 - 2020). Referee invited by the European Research Council (ERC). (other).
    • Forstmann, B. U. (participant) (2014 - 2020). summer school “Model-based cognitive neuroscience” at the University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Wagenmakers, E.-J. (organiser) & Forstmann, B. U. (organiser) (2012). Organisation of the Academy Colloquium "New Insights from Model-Based Cognitive Neuroscience", Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).


    • Boekel, W. E. (2017). On the importance of replicating research findings. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]


    • Alkemade, J. M., Bazin, P. L. E. A., Kirilina, E., Pine, K., Herrler, A., Ronald, B., Kros, J., Groenewegen, L., Jonkman, L. E., D.F., S., Balesar, R., Weiskopf, N. & Forstmann, B. U. (25-2-2025). Mappings. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • Alkemade, J. M., Bazin, P. L. E. A., Kirilina, E., Pine, K., Herrler, A., Ronald, B., Kros, J., Groenewegen, L., Jonkman, L. E., Swaab, D. F., Balesar, R., Weiskopf, N. & Forstmann, B. U. (25-2-2025). pTau. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • Alkemade, J. M., Bazin, P. L. E. A., Kirilina, E., Pine, K., Herrler, A., Ronald, B., Kros, J., Groenewegen, L., Jonkman, L. E., Swaab, D. F., Balesar, R., Weiskopf, N. & Forstmann, B. U. (25-2-2025). Nissl. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • Alkemade, J. M., Bazin, P. L. E. A., Kirilina, E., Pine, K., Herrler, A., Ronald, B., Kros, J., Groenewegen, L., Jonkman, L. E., Swaab, D. F., Balesar, R., Weiskopf, N. & Forstmann, B. U. (25-2-2025). MNI2009b. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • Alkemade, J. M., Bazin, P. L. E. A., Kirilina, E., Pine, K., Herrler, A., Ronald, B., Kros, J., Groenewegen, L., Jonkman, L. E., Swaab, D. F., Balesar, R., Weiskopf, N. & Forstmann, B. U. (25-2-2025). Bielschowsky. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • Alkemade, J. M., Bazin, P. L. E. A., Kirilina, E., Pine, K., Herrler, A., Ronald, B., Kros, J., Groenewegen, L., Jonkman, L. E., Swaab, D. F., Balesar, R., Weiskopf, N. & Forstmann, B. U. (25-2-2025). Amyloid. Universiteit van Amsterdam.


    • Bazin, P. L. E. A., Alkemade, A., Forstmann, B. U. & Miletić, S. (15-11-2024). MASSP 2.0 Parcellation Priors. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • Bazin, P. L. E. A., Forstmann, B. U., Alkemade, A. & Miletić, S. (15-11-2024). MASSP 2.0 Lifespan Probabilistic Atlas. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • Bazin, P. L. E. A., Alkemade, A., Miletić, S. & Forstmann, B. U. (15-11-2024). MASSP 2.0 Younger Probabilistic Atlas. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • Bazin, P. L. E. A., Alkemade, A., Miletić, S. & Forstmann, B. U. (15-11-2024). MASSP 2.0 Middle-aged Probabilistic Atlas. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • Bazin, P. L. E. A., Alkemade, A., Forstmann, B. U. & Miletić, S. (15-11-2024). MASSP 2.0 Older Probabilistic Atlas. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • Groot, J. M., Miletić, S., Isherwood, S. J. S., H. Y. Tse, D., Habli, S., Håberg, A. K., Bazin, P. L. E. A., Mittner, M. & Forstmann, B. U. (30-9-2024). A high-resolution 7 Tesla resting-state fMRI dataset optimized for studying the subcortex. Universiteit van Amsterdam.


    • Bazin, P. L. E. A., Forstmann, B. U., Alkemade, J. M., Miletić, S. & Isherwood, S. J. S. (8-7-2023). AHEAD quantitative MRI templates (MNI2009b). Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • Isherwood, S., Bazin, P., Miletić, S., Stevenson, N., Trutti, A., H. Y. Tse, D., Heathcote, A., Matzke, D., Habli, S., Sokołowski, D. R., Alkemade, A., Håberg, A., Forstmann, B. & Innes, R. (8-6-2023). Investigating Intra-Individual Networks of Response Inhibition and Interference Resolution using 7T MRI data. Universiteit van Amsterdam.


    • Miletić, S., Keuken, M. C., Mulder, M., Trampel, R., de Hollander, G. & Forstmann, B. (28-6-2022). 7T functional MRI finds no evidence for distinct functional subregions in the subthalamic nucleus during a speeded decision-making task. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • Bazin, P. L. E. A., Forstmann, B. U. & Alkemade, A. (14-6-2022). Ahead brain 122017 - 3D reconstructions. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • Bazin, P. L. E. A., Forstmann, B. U. & Alkemade, A. (14-6-2022). Ahead Brain 152017 - 3D reconstructions. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • Bazin, P. L. E. A., Forstmann, B. U. & Alkemade, A. (14-6-2022). Ahead Brain 152017 - Automated parcellations. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • Alkemade, J. M., Mulder, M., Groot, J., Isaacs, B., van Berendonk, N., Lute, N., Isherwood, S. J. S., Bazin, P. L. E. A. & Forstmann, B. U. (3-6-2022). The Amsterdam Ultra-high field adult lifespan database (AHEAD): A freely available multimodal 7 Tesla submillimeter magnetic resonance imaging database. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • Bazin, P. L. E. A., Forstmann, B. U., Alkemade, J. M., Miletić, S. & Isherwood, S. J. S. (9-5-2022). MASSP 2021 Middle-aged Probabilistic Atlas. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • Bazin, P. L. E. A., Forstmann, B. U., Alkemade, J. M., Miletić, S. & Isherwood, S. J. S. (9-5-2022). MASSP 2021 Younger Probabilistic Atlas. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • Bazin, P. L. E. A., Forstmann, B. U., Alkemade, J. M., Miletić, S. & Isherwood, S. J. S. (9-5-2022). MASSP 2021 Older Probabilistic Atlas. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • Bazin, P. L. E. A., Forstmann, B. U., Alkemade, J. M., Miletić, S. & Isherwood, S. J. S. (9-5-2022). MASSP 2021 Lifespan Probabilistic Atlas. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • Bazin, P. L. E. A., Forstmann, B. U. & Alkemade, A. (4-3-2022). Ahead Brain 122017 - MNI coregistrations. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • Bazin, P. L. E. A., Forstmann, B. U. & Alkemade, A. (4-3-2022). Ahead Brain 152017 - Original stains. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • Bazin, P. L. E. A., Forstmann, B. U. & Alkemade, A. (4-3-2022). Ahead Brain 122017 - Automated parcellations. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • Bazin, P. L. E. A., Forstmann, B. U. & Alkemade, A. (4-3-2022). Ahead Brain 122017 - Original stains. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • Bazin, P. L. E. A., Forstmann, B. U. & Alkemade, A. (4-3-2022). Ahead brain 152017 - MNI coregistrations. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • Bazin, P. L. E. A., Forstmann, B. & Alkemade, A. (2022). Ahead Brain 152017 - Automated parcellations. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • Bazin, P. L. E. A., Forstmann, B., Alkemade, A., Miletić, S. & Isherwood, S. (2022). AHEAD quantitative MRI templates (MNI2009b). Universiteit van Amsterdam.


    • Keuken, M., Liebrand, L., Bazin, P., Alkemade, A., van Berendonk, N., Groot, J., Isherwood, S., Kemp, S., Lute, N., Mulder, M., Trutti, A., Caan, M. W. A. & Forstmann, B. (28-10-2021). A high-resolution multi-shell 3T diffusion magnetic resonance imaging dataset as part of the Amsterdam Ultra-high field adult lifespan database (AHEAD) - dataset. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • Alkemade, J. M., Mulder, M. J., Trutti, A. C. & Forstmann, B. U. (16-3-2021). Manual Delineation approaches for direct imaging of the subcortex. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • Forstmann, B., Keuken, M., Schafer, A., Bazin, P.-L., Alkemade, A. & Turner, R. (2021). Data from: Multi-modal ultra-high resolution structural 7-Tesla MRI data repository. DRYAD.


    • Miletić, S., Keuken, M., Mulder, M., Trampel, R., de Hollander, G. & Forstmann, B. (11-12-2020). No evidence for three functionally specialized subdivisions in the subthalamic nucleus. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • Alkemade, J. M., Pine, K., Kirilina, E., Keuken, M., Mulder, M., Balesar, R., Groot, J., L. A. W. Bleys, R., Trampel, R., Weiskopf, N., Herrler, A., Möller, H., Bazin, P. & Forstmann, B. (14-9-2020). 7 Tesla MRI followed by histological 3D reconstructions in whole-brain specimens. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • Bazin, P. L. E. A., Forstmann, B. & Alkemade, A. (14-5-2020). AHEAD template. Universiteit van Amsterdam.


    • Bazin, P. L. E. A., Alkemade, A., van der Zwaag, W., Caan, M. W. A., Mulder, M. & Forstmann, B. (5-4-2019). Raw measurements for the statistics. Universiteit van Amsterdam.


    • Keuken, M. C., Isaacs, B. & Forstmann, B. (26-2-2018). sub-01. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • Alkemade, A., Kotz, S. A., Ott, D. V. M., Keuken, M. C., Schwarz, J., Weise, D., Schäfer, A., Forstmann, B. U. & de Hollander, G. (2018). Data from: Comparison of T2*-weighted and QSM contrasts in Parkinson's disease to visualize the STN with MRI. DRYAD.
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