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Prof. dr. H.M. (Hilde) Geurts

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Programme group Brain and Cognition
Photographer: Frank Ruiter

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 129
Postal address
  • Postbus 15915
    1001 NK Amsterdam
  • Profile

    Biographical Sketch

    Hilde Geurts is currently a professor in clinical neuropsychology and head of the section Brain & Cogntion at the Department of Psychology of the University of Amsterdam. She also works as a senior researcher at the "Dr. Leo Kannerhuis" (Youz/Parnassiagroup).  After finishing her VIDI grant (MagW NWO, 2011-2016) and her fellowship at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NIAS) to study the effect of aging in autism, she started with her VICI project (MagW NWO, 2017-2022). She focuses on cognitive aging and heterogeneity across the autistic adult lifespan and adults with ADHD. Her work is shaped in close collaboration with autistic adults and clinicians.

    Hilde obtained a MSc in Neuro- and Rehabiliation psychology (1996) at the University of Nijmegen (Radboud University). Next she worked for approximately two years as a neuropsychologist in a psychiatric hospital for children. She received her PhD at the Department of Clinical Neuropsychology at the Vrije Universiteit. Her PhD project focused on Executive control in ADHD and Autism spectrum Disorders (ASD) with prof.dr. J.A. Sergeant, prof.dr. H. Roeyers and prof dr. J. Oosterlaan as advisors. In the meanwhile she worked as a lecturer at the Department of Clinical Psychology (UvA). From 2002 till 2009 she was assistant professor Clinical Neuropsychology at the Psychonomics section (currently known as Brain & Cognition, UvA) and from 2009 onwards she was associate professor at the same department. From 2011-2021 she was a professor by special appointment "autism across the lifespan"  at the University of Amsterdam via the Dr Leo Kannerhuis Foundation. From 2013 to 2018 she was a member of the Young Academy of the Dutch Royal Academy of Science (KNAW) and in 2018 she co-founded the Amsterdam Young Academy. In 2014 she co-founded the research network reach-aut (see in which a wide range of stakeholders are together shaping autism research. Since 2019 Reach-aut is part of the Academic workplace autism (funded by ZonMW) for which she is the advisor. From 2017 till 2019 years she also was the vice-president of the International Society of Autism Research (INSAR). An organization of which she later was awarded a life-time fellowship for her influential work within the autism research realm.

    Research Interests

    The main focus of her work is on so called neurodevelopmental conditions, especially Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Her starting point is the neurodiversity perspective and she focuses on cognition (especially cognitive control/executive functioning), inter & intra individual variability, quality of life as well as interventions across the life span. Recent ongoing projects focuses on (older) autistic adults for an overview of all studies please see .

    Selected publications

    Please, see for overview of all her output (publications [including recently accepted ones], presentations, media) Most of her papers can also be found on research gate.

    • Torenvliet, C., Groenman, A.P., Radhoe., T., Agelink van Rentergem, J., van der Putten, W., Geurts, H.M. (2022). Parallel Age-Related Cognitive Effects in Autism: A Cross-Sectional Replication Study. Autism Research. doi: 10.1002/aur.2650.
    • Geurts, H.M., McQuaid, G.A., Begeer, S., & Wallace, G.L.  (2022). Self-reported Parkinson Features in Older Autistic Adults: A descriptive study. Autism. 10.1177/13623613211020183.
    • Groenman., A.P., Torenvliet, C., Radhoe, T., Agelink van Rentergem, J., Geurts, H.M. (2022). Menstruation and Menopause in autistic adults: Periods of importance? Autism.
    • Agelink van Rentergem,  J.A., Deserno, M.K., & Geurts, H.M. (2021). Validation strategies for subtypes in psychiatry: A systematic review of research on autism spectrum disorder. Clinical Psychology Review, 87, doi: 10.1016/j.cpr.2021.102033.
  • Presentations & boards

    Presentations (only first presenter)


    • Geurts, H.M. (19 November, 2022). Autism across the adult life span. AETAPI conference. Madrid Spain. Oral presentation (invited key note).
    • Geurts, H.M. (8 October, 2022). Well-being and Quality of Life: A research overview. Autism Europe. Krakow Poland. Oral presentation (invited).
    • Geurts, H.M. (24 June, 2022). Een neuropsychologisch perspectief op autisme: (on)nuttig? Betto Deelman award ceremony. Amsterdam. Oral presentation (invited).
    • Geurts, H.M. (15 June, 2022). Aging research of d'Arc. Autism & Aging Summit Autism Speaks. Online. Oral presentation (prerecorded).
    • Geurts, H.M. (8 April, 2022). Psychiatry meets Gerontology: Autism across the adult lifespan. Helmholtz lecture. Utrecht. Oral presentation (invited).
    • Geurts, H.M. (8 February, 2022). Autism Research Directions. Autistica board meeting. Online. Oral presentation.


    • Geurts, H.M. (23 September, 2021). Is camouflaging a relevant construct for ADHD. Eunethydis meeting.  Online. Oral presentation (invited).
    • Geurts, H.M. (7 July, 2021). Veranderingen op volwassen leeftijd: Heterogeniteit. Afscheid bijzondere leerstoel. Amsterdam Online. Oral presentation (Key note).
    • Geurts, H.M. (24 February, 2021). Autism in late adulthood: Co-occuring conditions. Exploring aging in Autism. AIDE Network. Canada, online. Oral presentation.


    • Geurts, H.M. (10 December, 2020). Autism in late adulthood: What does the future hold. Australian Society for Autism Research. Wellington, New Zealand/Online, Oral presentation (Key note).
    • Geurts, H.M. (12 November, 2020). Sensorische gevoeligheid: SSQ-NL & GSQ-NL. Expert bijeenkomst Prikkelverwerking, Maastricht (ONLINE), The Netherlands, Oral presentation.
    • Geurts, H.M. (11 September, 2020). Cognitieve veroudering en autisme: De stand van zaken. Ontwikkelingsstoornissen symposium, Utrecht, The Netherlands, Oral presentation (invited).


    • Geurts, H.M. (26 November, 2019). Autismespectrumstoornissen. Psychische stoornissen bij ouderen symposium, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Oral presentation (invited).
    • Geurts, H.M. (18 October, 2019). What do we (not yet) know about autism & old age. EPP Symposium Developmental psychopathology: A lifespan approach, Heeze, The Netherlands, Oral presentation (invited).
    • Geurts, H.M. (3 October, 2019). Discussant of 'A new beginning for neurodevelopment disorders: science-based intervention for individual patients’. KNAW, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Discussant (invited).
    • Geurts, H.M. (13 September, 2019). What do we (not yet) know about autism & old age. Autism Europe, Nice, France, Oral presentation (invited key note).
    • Geurts, H.M. (4 July, 2019). VerAUdering. Dr Leo Kannerhuis Opening new location, Arnhem, The Netherlands, Oral presentation (invited).
    • Geurts, H.M. (28 June, 2019). ABC(CC): Autism, Brain, & Cognition (& Co-Occuring Conditions). ABC Network day, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Oral presentation.
    • Geurts, H.M. (28 May, 2019). Autisme in de (late) volwassenheid. Studium Generale, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, Oral presentation (invited).
    • Geurts, H.M. (10 May, 2019). What to believe? Making sense of discrepancy between objective and subjective measures in clinical neuropsychology. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Oral presentation (co-organizer mini-symposium B&C).
    • Geurts, H.M., Groenendijk, E., Heijst, van B. (2 May, 2019). The development of 'Older & Wiser': A psycho-education for older (55+) autistic adults. INSAR. Montreal, Canada, Poster presentation.
    • Geurts, H.M. (8 April, 2019). Autisme in de late volwassenheid: Wat we (nog niet) weten. Stichting MEE. Bilthoven, The Netherlands, Oral presentation (invited).
    • Geurts, H.M. (4 April, 2019). Autisme in de late volwassenheid: Wat we (nog niet) weten. NvvP congres: Hollandse Glorie. Maastricht, The Netherlands, Oral presentation (invited).
    • Geurts, H.M. (14 February, 2019). Veroudering & autisme: van comorbiditeit tot cognitie. Autisme spectrum bij ouderen. Leuven, Belgium, Oral presentation (invited).
    • Geurts, H.M. (8 January, 2019). De complexiteit van de context. Dies rede. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Oral presentation (invited).


    • Geurts, H.M. (29 November, 2018). Aging & being autistic: Lessons (not yet) learned. The meeting of the Minds. Copenhagen, Denmark, Oral presentation (invited).
    • Geurts, H.M. (7 November, 2018). Autisme: De diversiteit van het volwassen leven. Verzekeringsartsen congres Autisme, Utrecht, The Netherlands, Oral presentation (invited).
    • Geurts, H.M. (30 October, 2018). Autisme door de jaren. Defensie GAVE dag: Psychische diversiteit, Utrecht, The Netherlands, Oral presentation (invited).
    • Geurts, H.M. (7 October, 2018). Older & wiser? The impact of aging when you are autistic. Endinburgh, Scotland, Oral presentation (invited).
    • Geurts, H.M. (4 October, 2018). Hoe ouder, hoe wijzer?.Autism Ethics Network, Antwerpen, Belgium, Oral presentation (invited).
    • Geurts, H.M. (16 August, 2018). Autism in adulthood: Cognition, comorbidity, & well-being. CADDRE conference, Kerala, India, Oral presentation (invited).
    • Geurts, H.M. (5 July, 2018). Community participatory research and ploicy making: Initiatives with different set ups.  INSAR summerschool, webinar, Oral presentation (invited).
    • Geurts, H.M. (9 May, 2018). INSAR local community conference 'Autisme bij volwassenen: International Inzichten', Amsterdam, Chair & organizer.
    • Geurts, H.M. (17 April 2018). AWA 2.0: Wensdroom. Stakeholders bijeenkomst REACH-AUT en SamenDoen!, Oral presentation (organizer).
    • Geurts, H.M. (8 March 2018). Autism in adulthood: Cognition, comorbidity, & well-being, Nationaal Autisme Congres, Rotterdam, Oral presentation (invited).
    • Geurts, H.M. (16 February 2018). Discussant INS symposium Community based Executive Function Interventions . International Neuropsychological Society. Washington DC, USA (Oral presentation).
    • Geurts, H.M. (29 January/2 February 2018). Autism. Lemion course, Selva, Oral presentation (invited).


    • Geurts, H.M. (24 November 2017). Wat weten we uit onderzoek over ouder worden en autisme? NVA congres Jong & Aut, Utrecht, Oral presentation (invited).
    • Geurts, H.M. (29 October 2017). Autism in adulthood: Cognition, comorbidity, & well-being. Drexel University Autism Center, Philledelphia, Oral presentation (invited).
    • Geurts, H.M. (31 October 2017). Academische Werkplaatsen Autisme: Waartoe zijn zij op aard?. Autisme kennis bundelen #Hoedan?!, Amersfoort, Oral presentation (co-organizer).
    • Geurts, H.M. (29 October 2017). Cognition, comorbidity, and QoL across the adult life span. Autism and aging think tank, Vancouver, Oral presentation (invited).
    • Geurts, H.M. (13 September, 2017). Stand van de wetenschap: 75 jaar (&) Autisme. Alumnivereniging UvA Spui 25, Amsterdam, Oral presentation (invited).
    • Geurts, H.M. (8 August, 2017). ADHD & ASD: What is known regarding cognitive convergence and divergence. ICON symposium on attention development, Amsterdam, Oral presentation.
    • Geurts, H.M. (25 July, 2017). Older aduls with ASD: Consequences of aging? Ageing and ASD: Life course changes, well-being and service needs in later life, City University London, London, Oral presentation (invited).
    • Geurts, H.M. (20 June, 2017). De wisselwerking tussen wetenschap & de klinische praktijk. Dr Leo Kannerhuis congres, Doorwerth, Oral presentation (invited).
    • Geurts, H.M. (12 May, 2017). Special Interest Group "Older adults with ASD: The consequences of aging".  IMFAR. San Francisco, USA, Oral presentation (Discussant & organiser with Amanda Roestorf UK & expert in "meet the expert" student lunch).
    • Geurts, H.M. (11 May, 2017). Do ASD adults become happier when older? IMFAR. San Francisco, USA, Oral presentation (part of symposium measuring & predicting QoL in Older ASD adults).
    • Geurts, H.M. (26 April, 2017). Contemporary psychology & the good life: Definitions & measures. NIAS seminar “What is the good life? Old texts and New Psychology in Counterpoint”. Discussant (co-organizer & presenter).
    • Geurts, H.M. (6 April, 2017). Luisterwijzer en nagesprek bij Life, Animated. Autisme week, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam. Oral presentation (invited).
    • Geurts, H.M. (6  April, 2017). Onderzoek naar veroudering en autisme: Een update. Autisme week, Expertise Netwerk Amsterdam, Amsterdam. Oral presentation (invited).
    • Geurts, H.M. (31 March, 2017). Autisme in de volwassenheid: Een ander perspectief, Amsterdam. Oral presentation (SpeakersAcademy).
    • Geurts, H.M. (24 March, 2017). Luisterwijzer deel 2. 17e Nederlands Autisme Congres, Rotterdam. Oral presentation (invited).
    • Geurts, H.M. (2 March, 2017). Heterogeneity & autism: Which factors determine subjective well-being across the adult lifespan? ESRC seminar Autistic Wellbeing, London, UK. Oral presentation (invited).
    • Geurts, H.M. (2 February, 2017). De oude dag: Autisme in de (late) volwassenheid. Kinderpsychiatrische stoornissen: Ze gaan een leven lang mee, Groningen. Oral presentation (invited).
    • Geurts, H.M. (27 January, 2017). Autisme op latere leeftijd: Symptomatologie, cognitie & meer. Psychiatrie in het licht van de levensloop. Amsterdamse school, AMC, Amsterdam. Oral presentation (invited).
    • Geurts, H.M. (17 January, 2017). Autism across the adult life span: Symptomatology, cognition, & more. Institute of Neuroscience, King’s College University of London. London, UK. Oral presentation (invited).


    • Geurts, H.M. (November, 2016). Autism across the adult life span: Brain, cognition, & more. NVN/NvvP joint conference "Neuropsychiatric disorders across the lifespan". Utrecht. Oral presentation (invited).
    • Geurts, H.M. (November, 2016). Autisme en de onvoorspelbare wereld. InterscienceDe Jonge Akademie: Stress. Amsterdam. Oral presentation.
    • Geurts, H.M. (October, 2016). Autism in women: An aging perspective. CADIN congresso international: Learning, Behaviour & Emotion in Times of Change. Lisbon. Oral presentation (invited).
    • Geurts, H.M. (July, 2016). Autism in mid & late adulthood: Symptomatology, cognition & more. Institute of Neuroscience, Newcastle. Oral presentation (invited).
    • Geurts,H.M. (June, 2016). Voor wie geldt hoe ouder hoe wijzer en gelukkiger en voor wie niet? Oerol verdiepingslezing, Terschelling, The Netherlands, oral presentation (invited).
    • Geurts,H.M. (June, 2016). Diagnostiek van autisme en OCD vanuit een netwerk perspectief. Autisme en OCD bij kinderen en volwassenen: Een paar apart?, Amersfoort, The Netherlands, oral presentation (invited).
    • Geurts,H.M. (May, 2016). EF across the ASD lifespan: An overview. BAPS, Antwerpen, Belgium, Oral presentation (invited).
    • Geurts,H.M. (May, 2016). Special Interest Group "Older adults with ASD: The consequences of aging". IMFAR. Baltimore, USA, Oral presentation (with Amanda Roestorf UK).
    • Geurts,H.M., Koolschijn, Caan, Teeuw, Olabarriaga (May, 2016). Age-related differences in ASD: The case of white matter microstructure. IMFAR. Baltimore, USA, Poster presentation.
    • Geurts,H.M. (April, 2016). Van jong tot oud: Autisme en executieve functies. Balans-NvA. Utrecht, The Netherlands, Oral presentation (invited).
    • Geurts,H.M. (March, 2016). Begrijpen we de mens als we de hersenen begrijpen? KNAW. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Debate (invited).
    • Geurts,H.M. (March, 2016). Vertaling naar de praktijk & overzicht: Deel 2 Neurobiologie. Nationaal Autisme Congres. Rotterdam, The Netherlands, Oral presentation (invited).
    • Geurts,H.M. (February, 2016). Accelerated aging in ASD? MIND Institute (Solomon lab), Sacramento, USA, Oral presentation.
    • Geurts,H.M. (February, 2016). Autism in mid and late adulthood. UCSD Healthy aging and Senior Care, San Diego, USA, Oral presentation.
    • Geurts,H.M. (January, 2016). Autism in mid and late adulthood. UCSD Autism Center of Excellence, San Diego, USA, Oral presentation.


    • Geurts,H.M. (December, 2015). Autisme in de levensloop. Dimence. Deventer, The Netherlands. Oral presentation (invited).
    • Geurts,H.M. (November, 2015). "Geluks"factoren bij autisme. Congres Nederlands Autisme Vereniging. Utrecht, The Netherlands. Oral presentation (invited).
    • Geurts,H.M. (October, 2015). Autisme. Studium generale serie Kopzorgen. Universiteit Twente. Enschede, The Netherlands. Oral presentation (invited).
    • Geurts,H.M. (October, 2015). RDoC-will revolutionize research & practice in child mental health. Eunethydis meeting. Stockholm, Sweden, Debate (invited).
    • Geurts,H.M. (October, 2015). Cognition in stimulant treatment-naïve boys and men with ADHD: The role of age. Eunethydis meeting. Stockholm, Sweden, Poster.
    • Geurts,H.M. (October, 2015). Een behandeling op maat voor iemand met een autisme diagnose is dat mogelijk?. Avond van de Wetenschap & Maatschappij. Den Haag, The Netherlands, Discussion (invited).
    • Geurts,H.M. (August, 2015). Academisch Leiderschapspanel. Niels Stensen Foundation. Driebergen, The Netherlands, Debate (invited).
    • Geurts,H.M. (June, 2015). Volwassenen en ouderen met autisme: De stand van zaken. Supervisorenmiddag Psychologie UvA. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Oral presentation (invited).
    • Geurts,H.M. (June, 2015). ERFelijkheid & autisme. Publiekslezing Oerol nav theaterstuk Erf. Terschellling, The Netherlands, Oral presentation (invited)
    • Geurts,H.M. (June, 2015). Executieve functies in vogelvlucht. Slim, maar? Utrecht, The Netherlands, Oral presentation (invited & chair of conference).
    • Geurts, H.M. on behalf of Koolschijn C.  (May, 2015). ASD: So much for the gray matter in mid and late adulthood?. IMFAR. Salt Lake City, USA, (oral presentation).
    • Geurts, H.M. (May, 2015). Is computerized cognitive training a useful clinical intervention? An RCT in children with autism. 27th APS Annual Concention. New York, USA, Symposium (invited, chair & speaker).
    • Geurts,H.M. (March, 2015). Vertaling naar de praktijk & overzicht Reach-Aut. Nationaal Autisme Congres. Rotterdam, The Netherlands, Oral presentation (invited).
    • Geurts,H.M. (March, 2015). Er bestaat geen wetenschapper zonder conflict of interest. VU-debat Wetenschap & Integriteit. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Spoken Column (invited).
    • Geurts, H.M. (January, 2015). Autisme & veroudering: De stand van zaken. SCEM You can't teach and old dog new tricks, can you? Rosmalen, The Netherlands, Oral presentation (invited).


    • Geurts, H.M. (December, 2014). RDM: Clinial Studies. UvA Psychology symposium on Research Data Managment. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Oral Presentation (invited).
    • Geurts, H.M. (November, 2014). Neuropsychology of autism and ADHD. Neuropsychiatry week Karolinska Institutet Center for Neurodevelopmental Disorders. Stockholm, Sweden, Workshop (invited).
    • Geurts, H.M. (October, 2014). Aging in autism: Neurobiological & cognitive characteristics. 14 Bundestag Autismus in Spektrum von Forschung und Gesellschaft. Dresden, Germany, Oral presentation (invited).
    • Geurts, H.M. (June, 2014). De diagnose autisme: Enkele overpeinzingen. Afscheidssymposium Egbert Reijnen "Daar word ik blij van!". Arnhem, Oral presentation (invited).
    • Geurts, H.M. (June, 2014). Autisme: Nu & in de toekomst. PAS ALV. Amersfoort, Oral presentation (invited).
    • Geurts, H.M. (June, 2014). Het hoe & wat van EFs: Meten, weten & beïnvloeden. CED Breinsleutels. Maartensdijk, Oral presentation (invited).
    • Geurts, H.M. (June, 2014). Autisme & veroudering: Wat is bekend? CASS18+, Utrecht. Lecture & workshop.
    • Geurts, H.M. (May, 2014). Autism & ADHD: Neuropsychological assessment. Eunethydis, Istanbul. Workshop (Inivited; also chair of "cognition in ADHD" symposium).
    • Geurts, H.M. (May, 2014). Self reports of autism symptomatology, cognition & QoL in adults with autism. IMFAR, Atlanta. Oral presentation.
    • Geurts, H.M. (May, 2014). Autism: The life span. Kenworthy lab, Washington DC. Oral presentation (invited).
    • Geurts, H.M. (March, 2014). The neuropsychology of aging in people with autism: Does gender matter? 7th WAS, Frankfurt. Oral presentation (invited).


    • Geurts, H.M. (November 2013). Het hoe & wat van EFs: Meten, weten & beïnvloeden. CED Breinsleutels. Rotterdam, Oral presentation (invited).
    • Geurts, H.M. (October 2013). Autisme: EF van jong tot oud. NVA Groningen/Drenthe. Oral presentation (invited). 
    • Geurts, H.M. (October 2013). Autisme & Schakelen. Hersenstichting Publieksdag. Utrecht. Oral presentation (invited).  
    • Geurts, H.M. (September 2013). Executieve disfuncties: Slechts een deel van het verhaal?. Balans Kennissymposium: Horen, zien & doen: Waar wringt de schoen. Utrecht. Oral presentation (invited).
    • Geurts, H.M. (September 2013). Cognition in elderly with ASD. Autism & Aging meeting. Newcastle. Oral presentation (invited).
    • Geurts, H.M. (August 2013). Overzicht autisme onderzoek. FEGAPIE visit. Amsterdam. Oral presentation.
    • Geurts, H.M., vd Bergh, S., Ruzanno, L. (July 2013). Inhibition in autism: A meta-analysis. International Neuropsychology Society conference. Amsterdam. Poster.
    • Geurts, H.M. (June 2013). Meten en weten van EF. Executieve functies bij kinderen en adolescenten. Utrecht. Oral presentation (invited & chair).
    • Geurts, H.M. (June 2013) . De rol van executieve functies bij ADHD en ASS. Dit is ADHD: recente ontwikkelingen in diagnostiek en behandeling. Utrecht. Oral presentation (invited).
    • Geurts, H.M. (June 2013). Reward processing in ASD. ISRCAP. Leuven. Oral presentation.
    • Geurts, H.M. & Comijs, H. (May 2013). ASD characteristics in elderly with mood and anxiety disorders. IMFAR, San Sebastian. Poster (also chair of ADHD/ASD symposium & expert in "meet the expert" student lunch).
    • Geurts, H.M. (April 2013). Uitgangspunten ivm (zorg voor) mensen met een ASS. CASS18+/NvvP Autisme Richtlijn congres. Ede. Oral Presentation (invited).
    • Geurts, H.M. (April 2013). Autisme: Verleden, heden, toekomst. Uitrijking Betto Deelman prijs. Leiden. Oral Presentation (invited).
    • Geurts, H.M. (April 2013). Broodje Kennis: Autisme & ADHD: Een apart stel?. Universiteit van Amsterdam. Amsterdam. Oral Presentation (invited).
    • Geurts, H.M. & De Vries, M. (March 2013). Workshop: Meten & trainen van executieve functies. Nationaal Autisme Congres. Rotterdam. Oral Presentation (invited).
    • Geurts, H.M. (February 2013). Autism: Cognition across the life span. Universiteit Leuven. Leuven. Oral Presentation (invited).


    • Geurts, H.M. (November, 2012). New Perspectives on EF: ADHD and autism. Norsk Forum for Nevropsykiatri. Oslo, Norway. Oral Presentation (invited).
    • Geurts, H.M. (September 2012). Overzicht onderzoek: Autisme van Jong tot Oud. Nederlandse Vereniging van Autisme (NVA). De Bildt. Oral Presentation (invited).
    • Geurts, H.M. (September 2012). Autisme en Veroudering Symposium Zorgboerderij Autisme. Reek. Oral Presentation (invited).
    • Geurts, H.M. (September 2012). Autisme en Veroudering NVA Noord Holland. De Rijp. Oral Presentation (invited).
    • Geurts, H.M. (July 2012). Clinical Relevant Features of ADHD and ASD. Summerschool: Animal Models for Psychiatry. Utrecht. Oral Presentation (invited).
    • Geurts, H.M. (June 2012). Autisme en ADHD: Een apart stel? ADHD Netwerk. Utrecht. Oral Presentation (invited).
    • Geurts, H.M. & Simonoff, E. (May 2012). ASD+ADHD assessment and treatment . Eunethydis, Barcelona. Workshop (inivited).
    • Geurts, H.M. & De Wit, S. (May 2012). Goal-Directed Action Control in Children with Autism . IMFAR, Toronto. Poster.
    • Geurts, H.M. (May 2012). Combining research and clinical practice. Psychologie AiO Netwerk. Amsterdam. Oral Presentation (invited).
    • Geurts, H.M. (April 2012). EF bij mensen met autisme: De stand van zaken . Nederlandse Vereniging voor Neuropsychologie. Nijmegen. Oral Presentation (invited).
    • Geurts, H.M. (April 2012). Autisme: Praktijk & Onderzoek . SPS Carieredag Nederlands Insitituut voor Psychologen. Amsterdam. Oral Presentation (invited).
    • Geurts, H.M. & Bringman, L. (March 2012). Autisme & Planning . Nationaal Autisme Congres. Rotterdam. Oral Presentation (to receive WTA price 2010, invited).
    • Geurts, H.M. (February 2012). Autisme & EF . Executieve functies bij kinderen en jeugdigen met psychopathologie. Leiden. Oral Presentation (invited).
    • Geurts, H.M. (January 2012). Autisme & ouder worden. Zuidelijk Symposium . Eindhoven. Oral Presentation (invited).
    • Geurts, H.M. (January 2012). Aging in autism: A double jeopardy? MIND Institute. Sacramento. Oral Presentation (invited).


    • Geurts, H.M. (November 2011). Autisme: De stand van zaken van neurobiologie tot behandeling . Even-waardig, Autisme, Theorie & Praktijk. Doorwerth. Oral Presentation (organizer & chair of meeting).
    • Geurts, H.M. (October 2011). Diagnostiek bij volwassenen met autisme . Nederlands Instituut voor Forensische Psychiatrie. Amsterdam. Oral Presentation (invited).
    • Geurts,H.M. (July 2011). Gemiste diagnoses bij volwassenen met autisme . Convenant Autisme. Amsterdam. Oral Presentation (invited).
    • Geurts, H.M. (May 2011). Elderly with Autism: A Cognitive Profile. IMFAR, San Diego. Poster.
    • Geurts, H.M. (April 2011). Autisme diagnostiek bij volwassenen. Voorjaarscongres Nederlandse Vereniging voor Psychiatrie. Amsterdam. Oral Presentation.
    • Geurts, H.M. (April 2011). Jong volwassenen met HFA: Diagnostiek & Comorbiditeit. Regionale autisme dag, Gooi & Vechtstreek. Hilversum. Oral Presentation (invited).


    • Geurts, H.M. (November 2010). Autism: Cognition across the lifespan. Social Development group, Radboud University. Nijmegen. Oral Presentation (invited).
    • Geurts, H.M. (October 2010). Autisme & Ouder worden. Jaarcongres Nederlandse Vereniging Autisme (Beatrixtheather). Utrecht. Oral Presentation (invited).
    • Geurts, H.M. (September, 2010). The effect of social motivation in boys with ADHD. 2nd Meeting of the Federation of the European Societies of Neuropsychology. Amsterdam. Oral presentation.
    • Geurts, H.M. (May 2010). The importance of focusing on pragmatic language use in ADHD. 1st Eunethydis International ADHD Conference: From Data to Clinical Practice, Amsterdam. Oral presentation. (Awarded with Eunethydis Young investigator's award).
    • Geurts, H.M. (May 2010). Cognitive control in autism: Methods to explain inconsistencies in earlier findings. IMFAR (International Meeting for Autism Research). Philadelphia. Poster.
    • Geurts, H.M. (May 2010). Cognition in ADHD and autism. IMFAR. Philadelphia. Poster.
    • Geurts, H.M. (February 2010). Het screenen van pragmatiek: De CCC-2 . Hoytemastichting "10 voor Taal", Enschede. Oral Presentation/workshop (invited).
    • Geurts, H.M. (January 2010). Neuropsychologie: ASS en ADHD. Klinische les UMC, Utrecht.Oral Presentation (invited).


    • Geurts, H.M. (November 2009). "The development of ToM & the ToM storybooks by Els Blijd-Hoogewijs": Een reactie. Oolgaardt lezing. Arnhem. Oral Presentation (invited).
    • Geurts, H.M. (October 2009). Neuropsychologie van ADHD en ASD. Klinische les UvA-Virenze, Amsterdam. Oral Presentation.
    • Geurts, H.M. (October 2009). ADHD & ASD: Symptoms and Structural Brain Measures. Rita Vuck lezingen cyclus UvA, Amsterdam. Oral Presentation (invited).
    • Geurts, H.M. (October, 2009). Is it usefull to combine a diagnosis of ADHD and ASD? IVth Eunethydis (European Network of the Hyperkinetic Disorders) meeting, Winchester. Oral presentation (& discussant for variability debate).
    • Geurts, H.M. (June 2009). ADHD, genen, & Neuropsychologie. Neuropsychologie congres, Gent. Oral Presentation (invited).
    • Geurts, H.M.(June 2009). De paradox van excutieve functies bij autisme. Passie voor autisme, congres LKH. Arnhem. Oral Presentation (invited).
    • Geurts,H.M. (June 2009). Executieve functies in autisme. Executieve functies: Hype of Handvat?, Utrecht. Oral Presentation (invited).
    • Geurts, H.M. (May 2009). Grey matter density as endophenotype for autism and ADHD. Methods and Challenges in Developmental Neuroimaging, Amsterdam. Poster.
    • Geurts, H.M. (May 2009). Language Profiles in ASD, SLI, and ADHD. IMFAR (International Meeting for Autism Research). Chicago. Poster.
    • Geurts, H.M. (May 2009). The Paradox of Cognitive Flexibility in Autism. IMFAR. Chicago. Poster.
    • Geurts, H.M. (March 2009). De CCC-2, wat kunt u ermee? Alle Taal Conference, Eindhoven. Oral Presentation (invited).
    • Geurts, H.M. (March 2009). Grey matter density as endophenotype for autism and ADHD. Cognitive Neuroscience (CNS), San Francisco. Poster.


    • Geurts, H.M. (November 2008). Executive functions in autism: What do we know? VSPA Autism Conference, Amsterdam. Oral Presentation (invited).
    • Geurts, H.M. (October 2008). How studying individual differences helps us understand neurodevelopmental disorders. Individual Differences Conference, Amsterdam. Oral Presentation (invited).
    • Geurts, H.M. (October, 2008). Pragmatiek in kinder-en jeugdpsychiatrische stoornissen. FENAC conference, Dalfsen. Oral Presentation (invited).
    • Geurts, H.M. (July 2008). ASD & ADHD: Recent findings. Cameron Carter Labmeeting: U.C. Davis Imaging Research Center, UCDavis, Sacramento. Oral Presentation (invited).
    • Geurts, H.M. (June 2008). ASD & ADHD: Behavioural overlap and differences. M.I.N.D institute, UCDavis, Sacramento. Oral Presentation (invited).
    • Geurts, H.M. (May 2008). Ameliorating cognitive control abilities in ASD . InternationalMeeting for Autism Research, London.Poster.
    • Geurts, H.M. (May, 2008). Diagnostiek en onderzoek bij ASS. GGZ West Friesland, Hoorn, Oral Presentation (invited).
    • Geurts, H.M. (February, 2008). Pragmatiek in Ontwikkelingsstoornissen: De CCC-2. Vereniging voor Klinische Linguisten, Utrecht, Oral Presentation (invited).


    • Geurts, H.M. (November, 2007). ASS en EF: Wanneer kunnen ze iets nu wel en wanneer juist niet? Ouder vereniging Stichting Leo Kanner huis, Doorwerth, Oral Presentation (invited).
    • Geurts,H.M. (November, 2007). Cognitive control and pragmatics in developmental disorders. ACLC, Amsterdam, Oral Presentation (invited).
    • Geurts, H.M.(August 2007). Arousal Modulation Deficiencies in Children with Autism: Inhibition and Emotion . 8th International Congress Autism-Europe, Oslo. Oral Presentation.
    • Geurts, H.M. (June 2007). Variability in developmental disorders: Deviant oscillations or is there an easier explanation? ISRCAP (International Society for Child and Adolescent Psychopathology) meeting, London. Oral Presentation.
    • Geurts, H.M. (June 2007). What is in a game: modulation of cognitive control in ADHD and ASD. ISRCAP meeting, London. Poster.
    • Geurts, H.M. (June 2007). What's in a game? Cognitive control in ADHD and ASD . Developmental Social CognitiveNeuroscience (Piaget meeting), London. Oral Presentation (organiser of symposium on ADHD and social cognition).
    • Geurts, H.M. (June, 2007). Het hoe, wat, en waarom van het meten van het executief functioneren. Congres praktijk klinische neuropsychologie: Het executief functioneren; de betekenis daarvan voor het onderwijs, Utrecht, Oral Presentation (invited).
    • Geurts, H.M. (June 2007). ADHD and ASD: Cognitive control. Kinder- en Jeugd Psychiatrie. Groningen. Oral Presentation (invited).
    • Geurts, H.M. (May 2007). Cognitive control in ADHD and ASD. International Meeting for Autism Research, Seattle. Poster.
    • Geurts, H.M. (March 2007). The relationship between ToM, pragmatics, and cognitive control. Theory of Mind: Module or Emergent proporty, international expert meeting, Wageningen. Oral Presentation (invited).
    • Geurts, H.M. (March 2007). What's in a game? Cognitive control in ADHD and ASD . Deutsche gesellschaft für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie, Aachen. Oral Presentation.


    • Geurts, H.M. (2006). Intra Individual Variability in ADHD, Autism, and Tourette's Syndrome. XVIIth Eunethydis (European Network of the Hyperkinetic Disorders) meeting, Brugge. Oral presentation.
    • Geurts, H. M. (2006). Intra Individual Variability in ADHD, Autism, and Tourette's Syndrome. IVth ANNET (ADHD Neuroscience Network Meeting) meeting, New York. Oral presentation (invited).
    • Geurts, H. M. (2006). Visual working memory impairments in developmental disorders. ICOM-IV (International Conference on Memory) meeting,Sydney. Oral presentation.
    • Geurts, H. M. (2006). De neurobiologie en neuropsychologie van ADHD en HFA. GGZ BuitenAmstel. Oral presentation (invited).

    2005 and before

    • Geurts, H.M., Begeer, S., & Stockmann, L. (2005). The Relationship between Arousal-modulation, and Emotion Recognition in Children with Autism. Dutch Society for Psychonomics, Egmond aan Zee. Poster.
    • Several presentations including oral and poster presentations at: XVth Eunethydis (European Network of the Hyperkinetic Disorders) meeting,Oslo; European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapy (EABCT), Manchester; ISRCAP (International Society forChild and Adolescent Psychopathology) meeting, Sydney; University of Göttingen, Göttingen; XIIIth Eunethydis meeting, Cagliari; XIIth Eunethydis meeting, Oslo;ISRCAP meeting, Vancouver; Masterclass: ADHD en Dyslexia, Amsterdam; XIth Eunethydis meeting, München; The NationalAutistic Society, Glasgow.
    • In Dutch: Verscheidene presentaties bij o.a. Riagg Bussum. Endo-Neuro-Psycho meeting, GGZ Dijk en Duin Zaandam, Dutch Society for Autism, Mentrum Amsterdam, PI-Research, Dutch Society for Neuropsychology.

    Other (in Dutch)

    • ADI-R training (2008 [assistentie]; 2009): Organisatie UMC Utrecht en Acare Groningen.
    • RINO (2003,2004, 2005, 2006): verzorgen van workshop over autisme diagnostiek met accent op neuropsychologie voor psychologen in de GZ opleiding.
    • Landelijk onderwijs kinder- en jeugdpsychiatrie (2006): verzorgen van presentatie over het hoe en waarom van de neuropsychologie in de kinder- en jeugdpsychiatrie.
    • Acredidact (2005): Workshop over ADHD diagnostiek voor huisartsen en apothekers.
    • RIO (regionaal indicatie orgaan), Stichting Tot en Met (2004,2006): verzorgen van workshop over autisme diagnostiek en behandeling.

    Boards & more (2010-current)


    • Advisory board “DREAMS” (2022-2026).
    • Advisory board “Design My Life” (2020-2024).
    • Trustee (board of directors) of Autistica (2019- 2022).
    • INSAR Global representative for the Netherlands (2020-2023).
    • Co-coordinator of “Academische Werkplaats Autisme 2.0 [AWA 2.0]” (2019-2021) and member of the steering committee (2019-2023). AWA 2.0 is a merger of two “academische werkplaatsen autisme” (i.e., Reach-Aut & SamenDoen!) funded by ZonMW.
    • Member of the Scientific Committee of the National Autism Conference (2019-current).
    • Co-founder (2018) of the Amsterdam Young Academy and member of advisory board (2018-2022).
    • Member of board of trustees of the ANDI (Advanced Neuropsychological Diagnostics Infrastruture) project (2014-current).


    • Chair of the Amsterdam Brain and Cognition talent grant committee UvA. Responsible for fairness of selection procedure (2020-2021).
    • General member of TopGGZ consortium (2019-2020).
    • Vice-president of the INSAR (2017-2019) & meeting chair of the INSAR conference in Rotterdam 2018 and organizer or the INSAR local community meeting in Amsterdam.
    • Executive board of REACH-AUT ("academische werkplaats") & co-founder (2014-2018).
    • Executive board of CASS 18+ (a nationwide network of clinics specialized in the care of adults with autism; from June 2012 till 2017).
    • Member of the scientific committee of CASS18+ (2010-2020).
    • Member of the jury of the Heineken Cognition prize 2014/2016/2018.
    • Member of Scientific Advisory Board of department of Psychology (from 2015-2017).
    • Member of Psychology committee “teaching qualifications for university staff” (2018-current).


    • Executive board of the “Jonge Akademie” (2014-2016).
    • Member of Psychology committee “teaching qualifications for university staff” (2012-2016).
    • Member of workforce “Research Data Management Support ondersteuning” of the University of Amsterdam (2014/2015?).
    • Co-chair of the “Multidisciplinaire richtlijnen voor diagnostiek en behandeling voor volwassenen met ASS” (in collaboration with Trimbos, NIP, & NvvP, 2011-2013).
    • Member of external expert group for the Dutch Guidelines committee for diagnosis of children with autism spectrum disorders, Trimbos institute (2011-2013).
    • Executive board of “Experimentele Psychologie Onderzoeksschool” (EPOS, a national graduate network, from 2010 till 2014).
    • Executive board of the European network of the hyperkinetic disorder (EUNETHYDIS, from 2010 till 2014).
    • Member of the scientific committee for the Eunethydis meeting 2014 (Istanbul).
    • Chair of scientific committee of the 2013 Eunethydis meeting (Prague)
    • Co-organizer of EUNETHYDIS meeting 2011 (Budapest) & 2012 (Barcelona), chair Prof Sonuga-Barke.
    • Co-organizer of Junior-EUNETHYDIS meeting 2011 (Budapest) & 2012 (Barcelona) with Dr. Cortese (NYU).
    • Co-organizer of Dr. Leo Kannerhuis Autism conference “Even-waardig” (2011). Responsible for scientific program.
    • Member of organizing committee of Junior-EUNETHYDIS 2010 (Amsterdam).


    • Member of supervisory committee ‘Development Quality Measurement Mental Health Care for Children and Adolescents’ Dutch National Platform Mental Health Care (GGZ Nederland).
  • Media & Teaching

    Media & Teaching


    • Expert in article of Spectrum News (14 November 2020) 'Theory of Mind' does not fade with age among autistic adults.
    • Interview regarding paper Bathelt, Koolschijn, & Geurts in Spectrum News (2 March 2020). Older autistic adults may retain strong visual abilities.
    • Interview Psychologie Magazine (18 June 2020). De mooie kanten van autisme.
    • Interview Swink Blog (April 2020). Prikkels en overprikkeling: Hoe werkt dat?
    • Written column “Gekleurde kennis” in popular science book “Hoop” Maven Publishing (2019).
    • Interview (24 October 2019) by Ronit Palache for public at the Academische Club Amsterdam.
    • Interview (May 2019). "Academische werkplaats Autisme verbindt wetenschap en praktijk". Kind & Adolsecent Praktijk, blz 30-34.
    • Interview (February 2019). "Tegendruk", Skepter, 
    • Interview (July 2018) in sectie In Gespek met van het blad GZ-psychologie “Beschermt autisme tegen cognitieve achteruitgang?”
    • Interview (June 2018) in De Psycholoog “Last van onvoorspelbaarheid”.
    • Radio interview (May 2018) bij Nieuws & Co ivm INSAR congress in Rotterdam (zie )
    • Aandacht voor de autism community conference (10 May 2018) in het Parool. Geschreven door Jop van Kempen.
    • Interview in Parool on Autism & Aging  (September 24, 2017)
    • Interview Autisme magazine (NVA) over academische werkplaatsen (jaargang 44, voorjaar 2017)
    • As guest in webinar of AutismTV “Autisme & Geluk” (March 8, 2017).
    • Interview in NRC & part of featured article ”van Kopzorgen naar koplopers” (January 27, 2017).
    • Interview Engagement (NVA) “Autisme & Ouderen” (editie 2 zomer 2016).
    • Written column “Klok-en Klepel uitspraken” in popular science book “Waar verzet jij je tegen?” Maven Publishing (2017). Also in podcast version.
    • Interview in Spectrum News ”Adults with autism face old age without much support” of Jessica Wright (February 22, 2016).
    • Written column “ De schoonheid van de individuele verschillen [the beauty of individual differences]” in popular science book “Dit is het mooiste ooit” Maven Publishing (2015).
    • In radioshow "Nog steeds wakker"van WNL over Hans Asperger ivm zijn overlijden 35 jaar geleden (October 21, 2015).
    • Guest in “ AutismeTV” on internet Television to talk about Reach-Aut (April 7, 2015).
    • Guest in radioshow “EenVandaag Wetenschap op Woensdag”  (August 6, September 9, November 19 2014; March 15, June 24 2015).
    • In newspaper Volkskrant “Nieuw gezicht” (October 18 2014).
    • In radioshow “de Ochtend” in a series on autism in adults (October 6 2014).
    • In “Autinews” (September 19 2014).
    • In newspaper NRC as commenter on CBS prevalence rates of autism in the Netherlands (September 1 2014).
    • In newspaper Trouw as commenter on CBS prevalence rates of autism in the Netherlands (August 25 2014).
    • Interviewed as guest in radioshow “Hoe?Zo!” wetenschap24 (November 7, 2013) .
    • As guest in “ AutismeTV” on internet Television as expert regarding autism in adults (April 4, 2013).
    • Artikel voor interdisciplinair tijdschrift Blind “wanneer is een kopje, een kopje en geen mok?” (March 6, 2013).
    • HG in “De Jonge Akademie over de knie”van Science Palooza (March 3, 2013).
    • HG interviewed as guest in radioshow “Hoe?Zo!” (February 18, 2013, Wetenschap 24).
    • As expert in article in Dutch Newspaper  "Volkskrant"(Tikkie terug; June 5, 2012)
    • As expert in article of "Psychologie Magazine" (Monthly Dutch Psychology Magazine,  Van stoornis naar Karaktertrek; April 31, 2012)
    • Guest in radioshow Folia radio (April 13, 2012)
    • Guest in radioshow "Hoe?Zo!" (Autisme verandert; March 7, 2012, Wetenschap 24)
    • As expert in article in Dutch Newspaper "Algemeen Dagblad"(Leven met een autistische partner; 31 maart, 2012)
    • As expert in article in "Plus Magazine" (20 February, 2012)
    • As expert in article in Dutch Newspaper   "De Gelderlander" (Levensloop bij ouderen in kaart brengen; January 27, 2012)
    • Interview in Kanner (Nemen de scherpe kantjes van autisme bij ouderen af?;  June 14 2011)
    • Interview in Dutch Newspaper NRC Handelsblad Reflex Magazine special on childhood disorders (July, 2011)
    • Advisor for Dutch Theatre Group (Utrechtse Spelen, November, 2011) regarding a play based on the movie "Rainman".
    • Guest on radio program of BNR Gezond regarding autism and work (November 5 2011)
    • Guest in "koffietijd" on Dutch Television as expert regarding autism in adults (April 5, 2011)
    • Expert in documentary (Dutch Autism Association; NVA, 2011) "Autisme een leven lang serie deel 6: Diagnose autisme op latere leeftijd. Het inzicht kwam met de jaren".


    Hilde Geurts is a lecturer in several courses in both the bachelor and master "Clinicial Neuropsychology". These courses are related to (neuro)psychological assessment, psychopathology (children and adults), and clinical neuropsychology. She is one of the founders of this bachelor and master.

  • Publications












    • Begeer, S., Wierda, M., Scheeren, A. M., Teunisse, J. P., Koot, H. M., & Geurts, H. M. (2014). Verbal fluency in children with autism spectrum disorders: clustering and switching strategies. Autism, 18(8), 1014-1018. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Bottelier, M. A., Schouw, M. L. J., Klomp, A., Tamminga, G. H., Schrantee, A. G. M., Bouziane, C., de Ruiter, M. B., Boer, F., Ruhé, H. G., Denys, D., Rijsman, R., Lindauer, R. J. L., Reitsma, H. B., Geurts, H. M., & Reneman, L. (2014). The effects of psychotropic drugs on developing brain (ePOD) study: methods and design. BMC Psychiatry, 14, Article 48. [details]
    • Geurts, H. M., & de Wit, S. (2014). Goal-directed action control in children with autism spectrum disorders. Autism, 18(4), 409-418. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Geurts, H. M., van den Bergh, S. F. W. M., & Ruzzano, L. (2014). Prepotent response inhibition and interference control in autism spectrum disorders: two meta-analyses. Autism Research, 7(4), 407-420. [details]
    • Geurts, H., Sinzig, J., Booth, R., & Happé, F. (2014). Neuropsychological heterogeneity in executive functioning in autism spectrum disorders. International Journal of Developmental Disabilities, 60(3), 155-162. [details]
    • Karalunas, S. L., Geurts, H. M., Konrad, K., Bender, S., & Nigg, J. T. (2014). Annual research review: Reaction time variability in ADHD and autism spectrum disorders: measurement and mechanisms of a proposed trans-diagnostic phenotype. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 55(6), 685-710. [details]
    • de Vries, M., & Geurts, H. M. (2014). Beyond individual differences: are working memory and inhibition informative specifiers within ASD? Journal of Neural Transmission, 121(9), 1183-1198. [details]
    • van den Bergh, S. F. W. M., Scheeren, A. M., Begeer, S., Koot, H. M., & Geurts, H. M. (2014). Age related differences of executive functioning problems in everyday life of children and adolescents in the autism spectrum. Journal of Autism and Development Disorders, 44(8), 1959-1971. [details]
    • van der Oord, S., Ponsioen, A. J. G. B., Geurts, H. M., ten Brink, E. L., & Prins, P. J. M. (2014). A pilot study of the efficacy of a computerized executive functioning remediation training with game elements for children with ADHD in an outpatient setting: outcome on parent and teacher-rated executive functioning and ADHD behavior. Journal of Attention Disorders, 18(8), 699-712. Advance online publication. [details]


    • Geurts, H. M., Ridderinkhof, K. R., & Scholte, H. S. (2013). The relationship between grey-matter and ASD and ADHD traits in typical adults. Journal of Autism and Development Disorders, 43(7), 1630-1641. [details]
    • Geurts, H., & Horwitz, E. (2013). Executieve functietraining voor volwassenen met autisme. In C. Schuurman, E. Blijd-Hoogewys, & P. Gevers (Eds.), Behandeling van volwassenen met een autismespectrumstoornis (pp. 179-184). Amsterdam: Hogrefe. [details]
    • Prins, P. J. M., ten Brink, E., Dovis, S., Ponsioen, A., Geurts, H. M., de Vries, M., & van der Oord, S. (2013). "Braingame Brian": Toward an Executive Function Training Program with Game Elements for Children with ADHD and Cognitive Control Problems. Games for Health Journal, 2(1), 44-49. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Schouw, M. L. J., Caan, M. W. A., Geurts, H. M., Schmand, B., Booij, J., Nederveen, A. J., & Reneman, L. (2013). Monoaminergic dysfunction in recreational users of dexamphetamine. European Neuropsychopharmacology, 23(11), 1491-1502. [details]
    • Schuurman, C., Brandenburg, M., & Geurts, H. (2013). Algemene aspecten van behandeling van volwassenen met een ASS. In C. Schuurman, E. Blijd-Hoogewys, & P. Gevers (Eds.), Behandeling van volwassenen met een ASS (pp. 41-60). Amsterdam: Hogrefe. [details]
    • ten Brink, E., Dovis, S., Ponsioen, A., Geurts, H., van der Oord, S., de Vries, M., & Prins, P. (2013). Braingame Brian: een executieve functietraining met game-elementen voor kinderen met ADHD. In C. Braet, & S. Bögels (Eds.), Protocollaire behandelingen voor kinderen en adolescenten met psychische klachten (Geheel herz. ed., Vol. 2, pp. 85-114). Boom. [details]


    • Geurts, H. M., & Jansen, M. D. (2012). A retrospective chart study: The pathway to a diagnosis for adults referred for ASD assessment. Autism, 16(3), 299-305. [details]
    • Geurts, H. M., & Vissers, M. E. (2012). Elderly with autism: Executive functions and memory. Journal of Autism and Development Disorders, 42(5), 665-675. [details]
    • Luman, M., van Meel, C. S., Oosterlaan, J., & Geurts, H. M. (2012). Reward and punishment sensitivity in children with ADHD: validating the Sensitivity to Punishment and Sensitivity to Reward Questionnaire for Children (SPSR-C). Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 40(1), 145-157. [details]
    • Vissers, M. E., Cohen, M. X., & Geurts, H. M. (2012). Brain connectivity and high functioning autism: a promising path of research that needs refined models, methodological convergence, and stronger behavioral links. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 36(1), 604-625. [details]
    • de Vries, M., & Geurts, H. M. (2012). Cognitive flexibility in ASD: Task switching with emotional faces. Journal of Autism and Development Disorders, 42(12), 2558-2568. [details]
    • van der Oord, S., Geurts, H. M., Prins, P. J. M., Emmelkamp, P. M. G., & Oosterlaan, J. (2012). Prepotent response inhibition predicts treatment outcome in attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Child Neuropsychology, 18(1), 50-61. [details]


    • Kievit, R. A., & Geurts, H. M. (2011). Autism and perception of awareness in self and others: two sides of the same coin or dissociated abilities? Cognitive Neuroscience, 2(2), 119-120. [details]
    • Rommelse, N. N. J., Geurts, H. M., Franke, B., Buitelaar, J. K., & Hartman, C. A. (2011). A review on cognitive and brain endophenotypes that may be common in autism spectrum disorder and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and facilitate the search for pleiotropic genes. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 35(6), 1363-1396. [details]



    • Geurts, H. M., Begeer, S., & Stockman, L. (2009). Brief report: Inhibitory control of socially relevant stimuli in children with high functioning autism. Journal of Autism and Development Disorders, 39, 1603-1607. [details]
    • Geurts, H. M., Corbett, B., & Solomon, M. (2009). The paradox of cognitive flexibility in autism. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 13(2), 74-82. [details]
    • Geurts, H. M., Hartman, C., Verté, S., Oosterlaan, J., Roeyers, H., & Sergeant, J. A. (2009). Pragmatics fragmented: the factor structure of the Dutch Children's Communication Checklist. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 44(5), 549-574. [details]
    • Luman, M., van Meel, C. S., Oosterlaan, J., Sergeant, J. A., & Geurts, H. M. (2009). Does reward frequency or magnitude drive reinforcement-learning in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder? Psychiatry Research, 168(3), 222-229. [details]


    • Geurts, H. M., & Embrechts, M. (2008). Language profiles in ASD, SLI and ADHD. Journal of Autism and Development Disorders, 38, 1931-1943. [details]
    • Geurts, H. M., Grasman, R. P. P. P., Verté, S., Oosterlaan, J., Roeyers, H., van Kammen, S. M., & Sergeant, J. A. (2008). Intra-individual variability in ADHD, autism spectrum disorders, and Tourette's syndrome. Neuropsychologia, 46, 3030-3041. [details]
    • Geurts, H. M., Luman, M., & van Meel, C. S. (2008). What's in a game: The effect of social motivation on interference control in boys with ADHD and autism spectrum disorders. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 49(8), 848-857. [details]
    • Marzocchi, G. M., Oosterlaan, J., Zuddas, A., Cavolina, P., Geurts, H., Redigilo, D., Vio, C., & Sergeant, J. A. (2008). Contrasting deficits on executive functions between ADHD and reading disabled children. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 49(5), 543-552. [details]
    • Molendijk, N. K., & Geurts, H. M. (2008). Het zelfconcept van kinderen met ADHD. Kind en Adolescent, 29(3), 162-179. [details]


    • Op den Kelder, R., Van den Akker, A. L., Ensink, J. B. M., Geurts, H. M., Overbeek, G., de Rooij, S. R., Vrijkotte, T. G. M., & Lindauer, R. J. L. (2023). Correction to: Longitudinal associations between trauma exposure and executive functions in children: Findings from a Dutch birth cohort study. Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, 51(2), 273.


    • Ziermans, T., & Geurts, H. (2020). Sociale cognitie. In O. van den Heuvel, Y. van der Werf, B. Schmand, & B. Sabbe (Eds.), Leerboek neurowetenschappen voor de klinische psychiatrie (pp. 263-268). Boom. [details]


    • Ziermans, T., Schirmbeck, F., Oosterwijk, F., GROUP investigators, Geurts, H., & De Haan, L. (2019). Autistic Traits In Psychotic Disorders: A Large-Scale Comparison Across Patients, Siblings And Typical Comparisons And Impact On Social Functioning. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 45(Supplement 2), S328-S329. Article S58.


    • Geurts, H. M., de Vries, M., & van den Bergh, S. F. W. M. (2014). Executive functioning theory and autism. In S. Goldstein, & J. A. Naglieri (Eds.), Handbook of executive functioning (pp. 121-141). Springer. Advance online publication. [details]


    • Geurts, H., & Eling, P. (2009). Non-verbale leerstoornis: diagnostiek en interventies. In M. Taal, & P. Snellings (Eds.), Interventies in het onderwijs: leerproblemen (pp. 78-94). Boom. [details]




    • Geurts, H. M., Hermans, W., Fannes, K., & Heijnen-Kohl, S. M. J. (2021). ASS & veroudering. In Behandeling van volwassenen met ASS Hogrefe.
    • Kaiser, A., Bottelier, M. A., de Ruiter, M. B., Solleveld, M. M., Tamminga, H. G. H., Bouziane, C., Geurts, H. M., Lindauer, R. J. L., Kooij, J. J. S., Lucassen, P. J., Schrantee, A., & Reneman, L. (2021). Effects of prolonged methylphenidate treatment on amygdala reactivity and connectivity: a randomized controlled trial in stimulant treatment-naive, male participants with ADHD. Psychoradiology, 1(3), 152-163. [details]


    • Ziermans, T., & Geurts, H. (2020). Cognitieve systemen en cognitieve stoornissen, deel 2: Sociale cognitie. In O. van den Heuvel, Y. van der Werf, B. Schmand, & B. Sabbe (Eds.), Leerboek neurowetenschappen voor de klinische psychiatrie (pp. 263-270). Boom. [details]



    • Geurts, H. M. (2016). Autism and age-related decline. In S. D. Wright (Ed.), Autism spectrum disorder: In mid and later life (pp. 154-162). London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. [details]
    • Geurts, H. M., & Huizinga, M. (2016). Aandacht en executieve functies. In H. Swaab, A. Bouma, J. Hendriksen, & C. König (Eds.), Klinische kinderneuropsychologie. - geheel herz. dr. (pp. 198-210). (Neuropsychologische handboeken). Amsterdam: Boom. [details]
    • Geurts, H., & Eling, P. (2016). Non-verbale leerstoornis: Het belang van een sterkte-zwakte analyse. In P. Snellings, & M. Zeguers (Eds.), Interventies in het onderwijs: leerproblemen (2 ed., pp. 83-98). Amsterdam: Boom. [details]
    • Greaves-Lord, K., & Geurts, H. M. (2016). De Academische Werkplaatsen Autisme: waarom, hoe en wat? Wetenschappelijk Tijdschrift Autisme, 2016(1), 38-42. [details]
    • Tamminga, H. G. H., & Geurts, H. M. (2016). Is er een typisch neuropsychologisch profiel bij volwassenen met ADHD? Een ontwikkelingsperspectief. Neuropraxis, 20(1), 11-19. [details]
    • de Vries, M., Prins, P. J. M., Schmand, B. A., & Geurts, H. M. (2016). Een executieve functietraining voor kinderen met autisme. Wetenschappelijk Tijdschrift Autisme, 2016(2), Article 2935. [details]


    • Geurts, H., Tamminga, H., & Bouziane, C. (2015). ADHD. In J. A. M. Vermeulen, & M. M. A. Derix (Eds.), Neuropsychologische casuïstiek: verdieping en praktijkgerichte gevalsbeschrijvingen (pp. 39-60). Bohn Stafleu van Loghum. [details]


    • Geurts, H. M. (2013). Is er bij mensen met autisme sprake van executief disfunctioneren? Tijdschrift voor Neuropsychologie, 8(1), 35-45. [details]
    • Jansen, M. D., Versteijne, M. G. F. A., van den Bergh, S. F. W. M., & Geurts, H. M. (2013). Echtparen groepstherapie voor volwassenen met een autismespectrumstoornis: een explorative evaluatie studie. Wetenschappelijk Tijdschrift Autisme, 2013(3), 84-94. [details]
    • Kan, C. C., Geurts, H. M., & Sizoo, B. B. (2013). Multidisciplinaire richtlijn diagnostiek en behandeling van autismespectrumstoornissen bij volwassenen. De Tijdstroom. [details]
    • Lever, A. G., & Geurts, H. M. (2013). Een nieuw instrument voor sensorische gevoeligheid. Wetenschappelijk Tijdschrift Autisme, 12(2), 68-73. [details]
    • van Duin, D., Hermens, M., Kan, C., & Geurts, H. (2013). Autismespectrumstoornissen bij volwassenen en GRADE. Maandblad voor Geestelijke Volksgezondheid, 68(1), 34-39. [details]


    • Bouma, A., van den Ende, M., Mulder, J., & Geurts, H. M. (2012). Tower tests. In A. Bouma, J. Mulder, J. Lindeboom, & B. Schmand (Eds.), Handboek neuropsychologische diagnostiek (2e ed., pp. 667-715). Amsterdam: Pearson. [details]
    • Geurts, H. M. (2012). Autisme verandert? (Oratiereeks; No. 430). Vossiuspers UvA. [details]


    • Geurts, H. M., & Huizinga, M. (2011). Aandacht en executieve functies. In H. Swaab, A. Bouma, J. Hendriksen, & C. König (Eds.), Klinische kinderneuropsychologie (pp. 169-188). Boom. [details]


    • Geurts, H. M., & Bringmann, L. F. (2010). Planningsvaardigheden bij autismespectrumstoornissen: een kwalitatief en kwantitatief overzicht. Wetenschappelijk Tijdschrift Autisme, 2010(1), 4-17. [details]



    • op den Kelder, R., van den Akker, A. L., Ensink, J. B. M., Geurts, H. M., Overbeek, G. J., Vrijkotte, T., & Lindauer, R. J. L. (2019). Longitudinal associations of trauma exposure and executive functions in children: findings from a Dutch birth cohort. Poster session presented at Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) 2019, Baltimore, United States.


    • op den Kelder, R., van den Akker, A. L., Lindauer, R. J. L., Geurts, H. M., & Overbeek, G. J. (2016). The association between psychological traumatizatoin and executive functions in children and adolescents: A meta-analytic approach. Poster session presented at EUCCAN, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
    • op den Kelder, R., van den Akker, A. L., Lindauer, R. J. L., Geurts, H. M., & Overbeek, G. J. (2016). The association between psychological traumatizatoin and executive functions in children and adolescents: A meta-analytic approach. Poster session presented at IPSCAN, Canada.

    Prize / grant

    • Geurts, H. (2020). ABBAS grant.
    • Geurts, H. (2019). ZonMW grant Onderzoeksprogramma GGZ (2020-2028).
    • Geurts, H. (2019). ABC Talent grant for post doc Joe Bathelt.
    • Geurts, H. (2019). Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHRS) grant Canada.
    • Geurts, H. (2019). ZonMW grant Landurige Zorg.
    • Geurts, H. M. (2017). Beter Leren door Beter Slapen.
    • Geurts, H. M. (2017). Project Grant Young Academy for co-organizing seminar & public event “The Dawn of a New Age in Science”.
    • Geurts, H. M. (2017). NIAS full-year fellowship.
    • Geurts, H. M. (2017). “Senescence in neurodevelopmental disorders: The case of Autism”.
    • Geurts, H. M. (2014). Betto-Deelman prijs 2014.
    • Geurts, H. M. (2010). Young investigator's award.EUNETHYDIS..

    Membership / relevant position

    • Geurts, H. (2020). Chair of the ABC Talent Grant Committee, .
    • Geurts, H. (2019-2022). Trustee (board of directors) of Autistica, Autistica.
    • Geurts, H. (2019-2050). Senior member of INSAR (International Society for Autism Research) and INSAR fellow (awarded in 2019).Uitleg INSAR fellow : Highest honor of the (…), INSAR.
    • Geurts, H. (2019-2050). Senior member of EUNETHYDIS (European Network of the Hyperkinetic Disorders), EUNETHYDIS.
    • Geurts, H. M. (2017-2018). CASS8+.
    • Geurts, H. M. (2017). The Canadian think tank on Autism and Aging.
    • Geurts, H. M. (2017-2018). Expert team Balans/NVA.
    • Geurts, H. M. (2017). International Society for Autism Research.
    • Geurts, H. M. (2017). Young Academy of the Royal Dutch Academy of Science.
    • Geurts, H. M. (2017-2018). "Societal (re)integration of young adults with ASD and/or psychoses”, The program committee of MagW .
    • Geurts, H. M. (2014-2018). A collaborative network of more than 30 Dutch Autism Institutions to bridge the gap between academic and clinical research and with participation of (…), Initiator of the Reseach Network Autism (Reach-Aut, 2014-2018),.
    • Geurts, H. M. (2012-2017). a nationwide network of clinics specialized in
      the care of adults with autism; from 2012 and will end in December 2017, Executive board of CASS 18+.
    • Geurts, H. M. (2010). Keynote: Autisme & Ouder worden., Jaarcongres Nederlandse Vereniging Autisme..
    • Geurts, H. M. (2010). NWO VIDI grant for ‘Autism and Aging: A double Jeopardy or not’, NWO VIDI grant.

    Media appearance

    • Geurts, H. M. (01-06-2028). De Psycholoog [Other]. “Last van onvoorspelbaarheid”.
    • Geurts, H. (13-11-2020). 'Theory of Mind' does not fade with age among autistic adults. [Print] Spectrum News. Theory of Mind' does not fade with age among autistic adults..'s%20ability%20to%20…
    • Geurts, H. (01-09-2020). Gekleurde kennis [Print] Maven Publishing. Colum: Gekleurde kennis.
    • Geurts, H. (18-06-2020). De mooie kanten van autisme Psychologie Magazine. Interview: De mooie kanten van autisme.
    • Geurts, H. (01-04-2020). Prikkels en overprikkeling: Hoe werkt dat? [Web] Swink. Interview: Prikkels en overprikkeling: Hoe werkt dat?.
    • Geurts, H. (02-03-2020). Older autistic adults may retain strong visual abilities. [Television] Spectrum News. Interview regarding paper Bathelt, Koolschijn, & Geurts : Older autistic adults may retain strong visual abilities..
    • Geurts, H. (24-10-2019). Interview by Ronit Palache. Interview by Ronit Palache.
    • Geurts, H. (01-06-2019). Academische werkplaats Autisme verbindt wetenschap en praktijk Kind & Adolsecent Praktijk. Interview: Academische werkplaats Autisme verbindt wetenschap en praktijk.
    • Geurts, H. (28-02-2019). Tegendruk Skepsis. Interview: Tegendruk.
    • Geurts, H. M. (01-07-2018). GZ-psychologie [Web]. “Beschermt autisme tegen cognitieve achteruitgang?”.
    • Geurts, H. M. (11-05-2018). Meer aandacht voor 'camouflage' door mensen met autisme. Meer aandacht voor 'camouflage' door mensen met autisme. )
    • Geurts, H. M. (10-05-2018). Aandacht voor de autism community conference Het Parool. Aandacht voor de autism community conference.
    • Geurts, H. M. (24-09-2017). Parool. Interview in Parool on Autism & Aging.
    • Geurts, H. M. (15-03-2017). Interview Autisme magazine (NVA) over academische werkplaatsen. Interview Autisme magazine (NVA) over academische werkplaatsen.
    • Geurts, H. M. (08-03-2017). As guest in webinar of AutismTV “Autisme & Geluk”. As guest in webinar of AutismTV “Autisme & Geluk”.
    • Geurts, H. M. (22-02-2016). Ädults with autisme face old age without much support"of Jessica Wright February 22, 2016. Interview in Spectrum News.
    • Geurts, H. M. (21-10-2015). "Nog steeds wakker" [Radio]. "Nog steeds wakker".
    • Geurts, H. M. (24-06-2015). Autisme [Radio]. Autisme.
    • Geurts, H. M. (07-04-2015). Reach-Aut [Web]. Reach-Aut.
    • Geurts, H. M. (15-03-2015). Autisme [Radio]. Autisme.
    • Geurts, H. M. (19-11-2014). EenVandaag Wetenschap op Woensdag [Radio]. EenVandaag Wetenschap op Woensdag.
    • Geurts, H. M. (06-10-2014). De ochtend [Radio]. De ochtend.
    • Geurts, H. M. (09-09-2014). EenVandaag Wetenschap op Woensdag [Radio]. EenVandaag Wetenschap op Woensdag.
    • Geurts, H. M. (06-08-2014). EenVandaag Wetenschap op Woensdag [Radio]. EenVandaag Wetenschap op Woensdag.
    • Geurts, H. M. (07-11-2013). Regarding scientists with autism on wetenschap24 [Radio]. Regarding scientists with autism on wetenschap24.
    • Geurts, H. M. (18-02-2013). Interview in verband met toelating Jonge Akademie en Autisme onderzoek [Radio]. Interview in verband met toelating Jonge Akademie en Autisme onderzoek.
    • Geurts, H. M. (13-04-2012). Interview Folia [Radio]. Interview Folia.
    • Geurts, H. M. (07-03-2012). Autisme veranderd [Radio]. Autisme veranderd.

    Talk / presentation

    • Geurts, H. (speaker) (8-12-2023). Je herkent alleen wat je kent: Persoonlijkheidsstoornissen, Autisme en ADHD bij ouderen bij ouderen, GGZ Breburg.
    • Geurts, H. (speaker) (11-11-2023). Aut & Wijs: Veroudering & autisme. Allemaal Autisme, Allemaal anders, NVA.
    • Geurts, H. (speaker) (3-11-2023). The impact of aging on health & cognition in (older) autistic adults, Autism and/or Intellectual Disability and Older Adults: A Think Tank Promoting Quality of Life and Health , Calgary.
    • Geurts, H. (speaker) (20-10-2023). The impact of aging on co-occurring conditions in (older) autistic adults., University College London.
    • Geurts, H. (speaker) (26-9-2023). Definities veranderen, ideeën vergaan, blijft de autisme diagnose bestaan?, CASS18+.
    • Geurts, H. (speaker) (19-9-2023). Executive functions as transdiagnostic construct: What did it bring us?. Transdiagnostic perspectives on ADHD, EUNETHYDIS.
    • Geurts, H. (speaker) (22-7-2023). Autism & wellbeing across adulthood: Recent research insights. Well-being Scottish Autism Research Group 2023, University of Stirling.
    • Geurts, H. (speaker) (26-6-2023). De betekenis van verandering: Een focus op autisme., LKH Personeelsdag, Zandvoort.
    • Geurts, H. (speaker) (17-4-2023). De betekenis van verandering: Een focus op autisme., CASS18+.
    • Geurts, H. (speaker) (4-4-2023). Hoe we begonnen; Waar we naar toe gaan., Neurodiversiteit & veroudering.
    • Geurts, H. (keynote speaker) (19-11-2022). Autism across the adult life span, AETAPI, Madrid.
    • Geurts, H. (invited speaker) (8-10-2022). Well-being and QoL: A research overview, Autism Europe, Krakow.
    • Geurts, H. (speaker) (24-6-2022). Een neuropsychologisch perspectief op autisme: (on)nuttig?, Betto Deelman Award Ceremony, Amsterdam.
    • Geurts, H. (speaker) (15-6-2022). Aging research of d'Arc, Autism and Aging summit Autism Speaks.
    • Geurts, H. (speaker) (8-4-2022). Psychiatry meets Gerontology: Autism across the adult life span, Helmholtz lecture, Utrecht.
    • Geurts, H. (speaker) (8-2-2022). Autism research directions, Autistica Board of Trustees.
    • Geurts, H. (invited speaker) (23-9-2021). Is camouflaging a relevant construct for ADHD?, Eunethydis Virtual Meeting 2021.
    • Geurts, H. (keynote speaker) (7-7-2021). Veranderingen op volwassen leeftijd: Heterogeniteit, Dr. Leo Kannerhuis (Youz/Parnassiagroup).
    • Geurts, H. (speaker) (24-2-2021). Autism in late adulthood: Co-occuring conditions., AIDE Network.
    • Geurts, H. (speaker) (10-12-2020). Keynote: Autism in late adulthood: What does the future hold? Australian Society for Autism Research. Wellington, New Zealand/Online, Australian Society for Autism Research.
    • Geurts, H. (speaker) (12-11-2020). Presentation: Sensorische gevoeligheid: SSQ-NL & GSQ-NL. Expert bijeenkomst Prikkelverwerking, Maastricht (ONLINE), The Netherlands, Expert bijeenkomst Prikkelverwerking, Maastricht , Maastricht.
    • Geurts, H. (speaker) (11-9-2020). Presentation: Cognitieve veroudering en autisme: De stand van zaken. Ontwikkelingsstoornissen symposium, Utrecht, The Netherlands (invited), Ontwikkelingsstoornissen symposium, Utrecht, The Netherlands, Utrecht.
    • Geurts, H. (speaker) (26-11-2019). Presentation: Autismespectrumstoornissen. Psychische stoornissen bij ouderen symposium, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Psychische stoornissen bij ouderen symposium, Amsterdam, Amsterdam.
    • Geurts, H. (speaker) (18-10-2019). Presentation: What do we (not yet) know about autism & old age. EPP Symposium Developmental psychopathology: A lifespan approach, Heeze, The Netherlands (invited)., EPP Symposium Developmental psychopathology: A lifespan approach, Heeze.
    • Geurts, H. (speaker) (3-10-2019). Discussant of 'A new beginning for neurodevelopment disorders: science-based intervention for individual patients’, KNAW, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, KNAW.
    • Geurts, H. (speaker) (13-9-2019). Keynote: What do we (not yet) know about autism & old age. Autism Europe, Nice, France, Autism Europe, Nice, France, Nice.
    • Geurts, H. (speaker) (4-7-2019). Presentation: VerAUdering. Dr Leo Kannerhuis Opening new location, Arnhem, The Netherlands (invited), VerAUdering, Arnhem.
    • Geurts, H. (speaker) (28-6-2019). Presentation: ABC(CC): Autism, Brain, & Cognition (& Co-Occuring Conditions). ABC Network day, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, ABC Network day, Amsterdam, Amsterdam.
    • Geurts, H. (speaker) (28-5-2019). Presentation: Autisme in de (late) volwassenheid. Studium Generale, Eindhoven, The Netherlands (invited)., Studium Generale (Eindhoven University of Technology).
    • Geurts, H. (speaker) (10-5-2019). Presentation: What to believe? Making sense of discrepancy between objective and subjective measures in clinical neuropsychology. Amsterdam, The Netherlands (co-organizer mini-symposium B&C, Mini-symposium B&C, Amsterdam.
    • Geurts, H. (speaker) (2-5-2019). The development of 'Older & Wiser': A psycho-education for older (55+) autistic adults. INSAR. Montreal, Canada, Poster presentation., INSAR, Montreal.
    • Geurts, H. (speaker) (8-4-2019). Presentation: Autisme in de late volwassenheid: Wat we (nog niet) weten. Stichting MEE. Bilthoven, The Netherlands (invited)., Stichting MEE ZHN.
    • Geurts, H. (speaker) (4-4-2019). Presentatie: Autisme in de late volwassenheid: Wat we (nog niet) weten. NvvP congres: Hollandse Glorie. Maastricht, The Netherlands (invited)., NvvP congres, Maastricht.
    • Geurts, H. (speaker) (14-2-2019). Presentatie: Veroudering & autisme: van comorbiditeit tot cognitie. Autisme spectrum bij ouderen. Leuven, Belgium (invited), Autisme spectrum bij ouderen, Leuven.
    • Geurts, H. (speaker) (8-1-2019). Presentatie: De complexiteit van de context. Dies rede. Amsterdam, The Netherlands (invited)., Diesrede, Amsterdam.
    • Geurts, H. M. (speaker) (18-11-2018). Aeging & being autistic: Lessons (not yet) learned., Meeting of the Minds, Copenhagen, Denmark, Copenhagen.
    • Geurts, H. M. (speaker) (9-11-2018). short oral presentation (with Kirstin Greaves-Lord)., Academische werkplaats Autisme. NVA congres, Utrecht, The Netherlands, Utrecht.
    • Geurts, H. M. (speaker) (8-11-2018). Autisme:De diversiteit van ‘t volwassen leven., UWV Roermond, autisme.
    • Geurts, H. M. (speaker) (30-10-2018). Autisme door de jaren, Defensie congres psychische diversiteit, Utrecht, The Netherlands, Utrecht.
    • Geurts, H. M. (speaker) (8-10-2018). Older & wiser? The impact of aging when you are autistic, Autism & living, Edinburgh, UK, Edinburgh.
    • Geurts, H. M. (speaker) (4-10-2018). Hoe ouder, hoe wijzer?, Autism & ethics network Belgium, Antwerpen, Belgium.
    • Geurts, H. M. (speaker) (14-8-2018). Autism in adulthood:, CADDRE, Trivandrum, India. , Trivandrum.
    • Geurts, H. M. (speaker) (5-7-2018). Community Participatory Research and Policy-Making: Initiatives with different Set-Ups., INSAR summerschool.
    • Geurts, H. M. (speaker) (8-3-2018). Autism in adulthood: , Nationaal Autisme Congres, Rotterdam.
    • Geurts, H. M. (speaker) (16-2-2018). Discussant INS symposium Community based Executive Function Interventions, Neuropsychological Society. Washington DC, USA .
    • Geurts, H. M. (speaker) (29-1-2018). Autism, . Lemion course, Selva,.
    • Geurts, H. M. (speaker) (24-11-2017). Wat weten we uit onderzoek over ouder worden en autisme?, NVA congres Jong & Aut, Utrecht.
    • Geurts, H. M. (speaker) (29-10-2017). Autism in adulthood: Cognition, comorbidity, & well-being, Drexel University Autism Center.
    • Geurts, H. M. (speaker) (29-10-2017). Cognition, comorbidity, and QoL across the adult life span, Autism and aging think tank, Vancouver.
    • Geurts, H. M. (speaker) (13-9-2017). Stand van de wetenschap: 75 jaar (&) Autisme, Alumnivereniging UvA , Amsterdam.
    • Geurts, H. M. (speaker) (18-8-2017). ADHD & ASD: What is known regarding cognitive convergence and divergence, ICON symposium on attention development, Amsterdam.
    • Geurts, H. M. (speaker) (25-7-2017). Older aduls with ASD: Consequences of aging? Ageing and ASD: Life course changes, well-being and service needs in later life, City, University of London.
    • Geurts, H. M. (speaker) (20-6-2017). De wisselwerking tussen wetenschap & de klinische praktijk, Dr Leo Kannerhuis congres, Doorwerth.
    • Geurts, H. M. (speaker) (12-5-2017). Special Interest Group "Older adults with ASD: The consequences of aging, IMFAR, San Francisco, San Francisco.
    • Geurts, H. M. (speaker) (11-5-2017). Do ASD adults become happier when older?, IMFAR, San Francisco, San Francisco.
    • Geurts, H. M. (speaker) (26-4-2017). Contemporary psychology & the good life: Definitions & measures., NIAS seminar “What is the good life? , Amsterdam.
    • Geurts, H. M. (speaker) (6-4-2017). Luisterwijzer en nagesprek bij Life, Animated., Autisme week, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam.
    • Geurts, H. M. (speaker) (6-4-2017). Onderzoek naar veroudering en autisme: Een update., Autisme Week .
    • Geurts, H. M. (speaker) (31-3-2017). Autisme in de volwassenheid: Een ander perspectief, SpeakersAcademy.
    • Geurts, H. M. (speaker) (24-3-2017). Luisterwijzer deel 2, 17e Nederlands Autisme Congres, Rotterdam.
    • Geurts, H. M. (speaker) (2-3-2017). Heterogeneity & autism: Which factors determine subjective well-being across the adult lifespan?, ESRC seminar Autistic Wellbeing, London.
    • Geurts, H. M. (speaker) (27-1-2017). Autisme op latere leeftijd: Symptomatologie, cognitie & meer. Psychiatrie in het licht van de levensloop, Amsterdamse school, AMC, Amsterdam.
    • Geurts, H. M. (speaker) (17-1-2017). Autism across the adult life span: Symptomatology, cognition, & more, Institute of Neuroscience, King’s College University of London, London.
    • Geurts, H. M. (invited speaker) (1-11-2014). Neuropsychology of autism and ADHD., Neuropsychiatry week Karolinska Institutet Center for Neurodevelopmental Disorders. Workshop., Stockholm, Sweden.
    • Geurts, H. M. (invited speaker) (1-10-2014). Aging in autism: Neurobiological & cognitive characteristics., 14 Bundestag Autismus in Spektrum von Forschung und Gesellschaft. Oral presentation., Dresden, Germany.
    • Geurts, H. M. (invited speaker) (3-8-2014). Cognition in ASD across the life span: What about aging., Neuropsychiatry week Karolinska Institutet Center for Neurodevelopmental Disorders. Oral presentation., Leuven, Belgium.
    • Geurts, H. M. (invited speaker) (21-6-2014). Het hoe & wat van EFs: Meten, weten & beïnvloeden., CED Breinsleutels. Oral presentation., Maartensdijk.
    • Geurts, H. M. (invited speaker) (14-6-2014). Autisme: Nu & in de toekomst. PAS ALV., Oral presentation, Amersfoort.
    • Geurts, H. M. (invited speaker) (7-6-2014). Autisme & veroudering: Wat is bekend?, CASS18+, lecture & workshop, Utrecht.
    • Geurts, H. M. (invited speaker) (1-6-2014). De diagnose autisme: Enkele overpeinzingen., Afscheidssymposium Egbert Reijnen "Daar word ik blij van!". Oral presentation., Arnhem.
    • Geurts, H. M. (invited speaker) (21-5-2014). Self reports of autism symptomatology, cognition & QoL in adults with autism., IMFAR. Oral presentation., Atlanta.
    • Geurts, H. M. (invited speaker) (7-5-2014). Autism: The life span., Kenworthy lab. Oral presentation., Washinton DC.
    • Geurts, H. M. (invited speaker) (1-5-2014). Autism & ADHD: Neuropsychological assessment., Eunethydis. Workshop (alszo chair of cognition in ADHM symposium), Istanbul.
    • Geurts, H. M. (invited speaker) (1-3-2014). The neuropsychology of aging in people with autism: Does gender matter?, 7th WAS. Oral presentation., Frankfurt.
    • Geurts, H. M. (speaker) (1-11-2013). Het hoe & wat van EF's: Meten, weten & beinvloeden., CED Breinsleutels.
    • Geurts, H. M. (speaker) (1-10-2013). Autisme: EF van jong tot oud., NVA Groningen/Drenthe.
    • Geurts, H. M. (speaker) (1-10-2013). Autisme & Schakelen, Hersenstichting Publieksdag.
    • Geurts, H. M. (speaker) (1-9-2013). Executieve disfuncties: slechts een deel van het verhaal?, Balans Kennissymposium: Horen, zien & doen: Waar wringt de schoen..
    • Geurts, H. M. (speaker) (1-9-2013). Cognition in elderly with ASD, Autism & Aging meeting Newcastle.
    • Geurts, H. M. (speaker) (2-6-2013). De rol van executieve functies bij ADHD en ASS, Dit is ADHD: recente ontwikkelingen in diagnostiek en behandeling. Utrecht.
    • Geurts, H. M. (speaker) (2-6-2013). Reward processing in ASD., ISRCAP. Leuven.
    • Geurts, H. M. (speaker) (1-6-2013). Meten en weten van EF., Executieve functies bij kinderen en adolescenten. Utrecht.
    • Geurts, H. M. (speaker) (1-4-2013). Broodje Kennis: Autisme & ADHD: Een apart stel?, Universiteit van Amsterdam. Amsterdam.
    • Geurts, H. M. (speaker) (1-4-2013). autisme: Verleden, heden, toekomst., Uitreiking Betto Deelman prijs. Leiden..
    • Geurts, H. M. (speaker) (1-4-2013). Uitgangspunten ivm (zorg voor) mensen met een ASS., CASS18+NvvP Autisme richtlijn congres. Ede..
    • Geurts, H. M. (speaker) & de Vries, M. (speaker) (1-3-2013). Workshop: Meten & trainenvan executieve functies., Nationaal Autisme Congres. Rotterdam.
    • Geurts, H. M. (speaker) (1-2-2013). Autism: Cognition across the life span., Universiteit Leuven. Leuven.



    • Radhoe, T. A., Agelink van Rentergem Zandvliet, J. A., Torenvliet, C., Groenman, A. P., van der Putten, W. J. & Geurts, H. M. (17-7-2023). The clinical relevance of subgroups of autistic adults: Stability and predictive value. Universiteit van Amsterdam.


    • Radhoe, T. A., Agelink van Rentergem Zandvliet, J. A., Torenvliet, C., Groenman, A. P., van der Putten, W. J. & Geurts, H. M. (14-10-2022). A community detection study: Two replicated distinct subgroups in autistic adults. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
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    • Academische werkplaats Autisme
      Mede-oprichter, lid stuurgroep & medetrekker inhoudelijk project
    • Miscellaneous
      Incidentele lezingen
    • Autistica
      Member of board of trustees
    • Leo Kannerhuis (Youz/Parnassiagroep)
      Psycholoog /Senior Onderzoeker
    • International Society of Autism Research
      INSAR Global Senior Leader for the Netherlands
    • Stichting PAON
      Algemeen Bestuurslid