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Brinkhof, L. P., Ridderinkhof, K. R., de Wit, S., Krugers, H. J., & Murre, J. M. J. (2025). A cross-sectional network analysis of successful aging in a resilience-based framework. PLoS ONE, 20(1), Article e0315445.[details]
Lucassen, P. J., Korosi, A., de Rooij, S. R., Smit, A. B., Van Dam, A.-M., Daskalakis, N. P., Van Kesteren, R. E., Verheijen, M. H. G., Lesuis, S. L., Kessels, H. W., & Krugers, H. J. (2025). How Can Early Stress Influence Later Alzheimer's Disease Risk? Possible Mediators and Underlying Mechanisms. Biological Psychiatry, 97(4), 372-381.[details]
Brinkhof, L. P., Chambon, M., Ridderinkhof, K. R., van Harreveld, F., Murre, J. M. J., Krugers, H. J., & de Wit, S. (2024). Resilience Among Older Individuals in the Face of Adversity: How Demographic and Trait Factors Affect Mental-Health Constructs and Their Temporal Dynamics. Clinical Psychological Science, 12(4), 563–585.[details]
Brinkhof, L. P., Ridderinkhof, K. R., Bieleke, M., Murre, J. M. J., Krugers, H. J., & de Wit, S. (2024). Are older individuals predisposed to habitual control more resilient? Current Psychology, 43, 7826-7842.[details]
Brinkhof, L. P., Ridderinkhof, K. R., Krugers, H. J., Murre, J. M. J. & de Wit, S. (9-8-2023). METARECORD: Are Older Individuals Predisposed to Habitual Control More Resilient?. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
Brosens, N., Lesuis, S. L., Rao-Ruiz, P., van den Oever, M. C., & Krugers, H. J. (2024). Shaping Memories via Stress: A Synaptic Engram Perspective. Biological Psychiatry, 95(8), 721-731.[details]
Kotah, J. M., Kater, M. S. J., Brosens, N., Lesuis, S. L., Tandari, R., Blok, T. M., Marchetto, L., Yusaf, E., Koopmans, F. T. W., Smit, A. B., Lucassen, P. J., Krugers, H. J., Verheijen, M. H. G., & Korosi, A. (2024). Early-life stress and amyloidosis in mice share pathogenic pathways involving synaptic mitochondria and lipid metabolism. Alzheimer's & Dementia, 20(3), 1637-1655.[details]
Sanguino-Gómez, J., & Krugers, H. J. (2024). Early-life stress impairs acquisition and retrieval of fear memories: sex-effects, corticosterone modulation, and partial prevention by targeting glucocorticoid receptors at adolescent age. Neurobiology of Stress, 31, Article 100636.[details]
Sanguino-Gómez, J., Huijgens, S., den Hartog, M., Schenk, I. J. M., Kluck, W., Versluis, T. D., & Krugers, H. J. (2024). Neural correlates of learning and memory are altered by early-life stress. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 213, Article 107952.[details]
Brinkhof, L. P., Huth, K. B. S., Murre, J. M. J., de Wit, S., Krugers, H. J., & Ridderinkhof, K. R. (2023). Corrigendum: The interplay between quality of life and resilience factors in later life: a network analysis. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, Article 1264753.
Brinkhof, L. P., Murre, J. M. J., de Wit, S., Krugers, H. J., & Ridderinkhof, K. R. (2023). Changes in perceived ageism during the COVID-19 pandemic: impact on quality of life and mental well-being among Dutch adults aged 55 and older. Aging and Mental Health, 27(12), 2490-2498.[details]
Brinkhof, L. P., Murre, J. M. J., de Wit, S., Krugers, H. J. & Ridderinkhof, K. R. (9-8-2023). METARECORD: Changes in Perceived Ageism during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Impact on Quality of Life and Mental Well-being Among Older Adults. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
Brinkhof, L. P., Ridderinkhof, K. R., Krugers, H. J., Murre, J. M. J., & de Wit, S. (2023). Assessing the degree of urbanisation using a single-item self-report measure: a validation study. International journal of environmental health research, 33(5), 508-517.[details]
Brinkhof, L. P., Ridderinkhof, K. R., Krugers, H. J., de Wit, S. & Murre, J. M. J. (19-2-2022). Datafiles. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
Brinkhof, L. P., Ridderinkhof, K. R., Murre, J. M. J., Krugers, H. J., & de Wit, S. (2023). Improving goal striving and resilience in older adults through a personalized metacognitive self-help intervention: a protocol paper. BMC Psychology, 11, Article 223.[details]
Brosens, N., Lesuis, S. L., Bassie, I., Reyes, L., Gajadien, P., Lucassen, P. J., & Krugers, H. J. (2023). Elevated corticosterone after fear learning impairs remote auditory memory retrieval and alters brain network connectivity. Learning & Memory, 30(7), 125-132.[details]
Brosens, N., Samouil, D., Stolker, S., Katsika, E. V., Weggen, S., Lucassen, P. J., & Krugers, H. J. (2023). Early Life Stress Enhances Cognitive Decline and Alters Synapse Function and Interneuron Numbers in Young Male APP/PS1 Mice. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 96(3), 1097-1113.[details]
Brosens, N., Simon, C., Kessels, H. W., Lucassen, P. J., & Krugers, H. J. (2023). Early life stress lastingly alters the function and AMPA-receptor composition of glutamatergic synapses in the hippocampus of male mice. Journal of Neuroendocrinology, 35(12), Article e13346.[details]
Brinkhof, L. P., Ridderinkhof, K. R., van de Vijver, I., Murre, J. M. J., Krugers, H. J., & de Wit, S. (2022). Psychological Coping and Behavioral Adjustment Among Older Adults in Times of COVID-19: Exploring the Protective Role of Working Memory and Habit Propensity. Journal of adult development, 29(3), 240-254.[details]
Brinkhof, L. P., Ridderinkhof, R., van de Vijver, I., de Wit, S., Murre, J. M. J. & Krugers, H. J. (30-4-2021). METADATA RECORD: Mental Resilience among Older Adults in Times of COVID-19: The Role of Working Memory and Habit Propensity. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
Brinkhof, L. P., de Wit, S., Murre, J. M. J., Krugers, H. J., & Ridderinkhof, K. R. (2022). The Subjective Experience of Ageism: The Perceived Ageism Questionnaire (PAQ). International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(14), Article 8792.[details]
Brinkhof, L. P., de Wit, S., Murre, J. M. J., Krugers, H. J. & Ridderinkhof, K. R. (9-8-2023). METARECORD: The Subjective Experience of Ageism: The Perceived Ageism Questionnaire (PAQ). Universiteit van Amsterdam.
Buurstede, J. C., Umeoka, E. H. L., da Silva, M. S., Krugers, H. J., Joëls, M., & Meijer, O. C. (2022). Application of a pharmacological transcriptome filter identifies a shortlist of mouse glucocorticoid receptor target genes associated with memory consolidation. Neuropharmacology, 216, Article 109186.[details]
Ridderinkhof, K. R., & Krugers, H. J. (2022). Horizons in Human Aging Neuroscience: From Normal Neural Aging to Mental (Fr)Agility. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 16, Article 815759.[details]
Sanguino-Gómez, J., Buurstede, J. C., Abiega, O., Fitzsimons, C. P., Lucassen, P. J., Eggen, B. J. L., Lesuis, S. L., Meijer, O. C., & Krugers, H. J. (2022). An emerging role for microglia in stress-effects on memory. European Journal of Neuroscience, 55(9-10), 2491-2518. Advance online publication.[details]
Brinkhof, L. P., Huth, K. B. S., Murre, J. M. J., de Wit, S., Krugers, H. J. & Ridderinkhof, K. R. (9-8-2023). METARECORD: The Interplay Between Quality of Life and Resilience Factors in Later Life: A Network Analysis. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
Lesuis, S. L., Brosens, N., Immerzeel, N., van der Loo, R. J., Mitrić, M., Bielefeld, P., Fitzsimons, C. P., Lucassen, P. J., Kushner, S. A., van den Oever, M. C., & Krugers, H. J. (2021). Glucocorticoids Promote Fear Generalization by Increasing the Size of a Dentate Gyrus Engram Cell Population. Biological Psychiatry, 90(7), 494-504. Advance online publication.[details]
Lesuis, S. L., Lucassen, P. J., & Krugers, H. J. (2021). Early life stress amplifies fear responses and hippocampal synaptic potentiation in the APPswe/PS1dE9 Alzheimer mouse model. Neuroscience, 454, 151-161. Advance online publication.[details]
Philippens, I. H. C. H. M., Draaisma, L., Baarends, G., Krugers, H. J., & Vermetten, E. (2021). Ketamine treatment upon memory retrieval reduces fear memory in marmoset monkeys. European Neuropsychopharmacology, 50, 1-11. Advance online publication.[details]
Genzel, L., Adan, R., Berns, A., van den Beucken, J. J. J. P., Blokland, A., Boddeke, E. H. W. G. M., Bogers, W. M., Bontrop, R., Bulthuis, R., Bousema, T., Clevers, H., Coenen, T. C. J. J., van Dam, A-M., Deen, P. M. T., van Dijk, K. W., Eggen, B. J. L., Elgersma, Y., Erdogan, I., Englitz, B., ... Homberg, J. R. (2020). How the COVID-19 pandemic highlights the necessity of animal research. Current Biology, 30(18), R1014-R1018.[details]
Genzel, L., Adan, R., Berns, A., van den Beucken, J. J. J. P., Blokland, A., Boddeke, E. H. W. G. M., Bogers, W. M., Bontrop, R., Bulthuis, R., Bousema, T., Clevers, H., Coenen, T. C. J. J., van Dam, A-M., Deen, P. M. T., van Dijk, K. W., Eggen, B. J. L., Elgersma, Y., Erdogan, I., Englitz, B., ... Homberg, J. R. (2020). How the COVID-19 pandemic highlights the necessity of animal research: correction. Current Biology, 30(21), 4328.
Krugers, H., & Baeken, C. (2020). Signaaltransductie, receptoren en hersenstimulatie. In O. van den Heuvel, Y. van der Werf, B. Schmand, & B. Sabbe (Eds.), Leerboek neurowetenschappen voor de klinische psychiatrie (pp. 82-87). Boom. [details]
Krugers, H., Kessels, H., & Lucassen, P. (2020). Plasticiteit in de hersenen; synaptische plasticiteit en adulte neurogenese. In O. van den Heuvel, Y. van den Werf, B. Schmand, & B. Sabbe (Eds.), Leerboek neurowetenschappen voor de klinische psychiatrie (pp. 52-58). Boom. [details]
Lesuis, S. L., Timmermans, W., Lucassen, P. J., Hoogenraad, C. C., & Krugers, H. J. (2020). Glucocorticoid and β-adrenergic regulation of hippocampal dendritic spines. Journal of Neuroendocrinology, 32(1), Article e12811. Advance online publication.[details]
Popma, A., & Krugers, H. (2020). Frustratie bij uitblijven van beloning. In O. van den Heuvel, Y. van der Werf, B. Schmand, & B. Sabbe (Eds.), Leerboek neurowetenschappen voor de klinische psychiatrie (pp. 185-190). Boom. [details]
Kanatsou, S., Joels, M., & Krugers, H. (2019). Brain Mineralocorticoid Receptors and Resilience to Stress. In G. Litwack (Ed.), Aldosterone (pp. 341-359). (Vitamins and Hormones; Vol. 109). Academic Press.[details]
Kompier, N. F., Keysers, C., Gazzola, V., Lucassen, P. J., & Krugers, H. J. (2019). Early Life Adversity and Adult Social Behavior: Focus on Arginine Vasopressin and Oxytocin as Potential Mediators. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 13, Article 143.[details]
Lesuis, S. L., Kaplick, P. M., Lucassen, P. J., & Krugers, H. J. (2019). Treatment with the glutamate modulator riluzole prevents early life stress-induced cognitive deficits and impairments in synaptic plasticity in APPswe/PS1dE9 mice. Neuropharmacology, 150, 175-183.[details]
Lesuis, S. L., Lucassen, P. J., & Krugers, H. J. (2019). Early life stress impairs fear conditioning memory and synaptic plasticity; a potential role for GluN2B. Neuropharmacology, 149, 195-203.[details]
Hoeijmakers, L., Lesuis, S. L., Krugers, H., Lucassen, P. J., & Korosi, A. (2018). A preclinical perspective on the enhanced vulnerability to Alzheimer's disease after early-life stress. Neurobiology of Stress, 8, 172-185.[details]
Lesuis, S. L., Catsburg, L. A. E., Lucassen, P. J., & Krugers, H. J. (2018). Effects of corticosterone on mild auditory fear conditioning and extinction; role of sex and training paradigm. Learning & Memory, 25(10), 544-549.[details]
Lesuis, S. L., Hoeijmakers, L., Korosi, A., de Rooij, S. R., Swaab, D. F., Kessels, H. W., Lucassen, P. J., & Krugers, H. J. (2018). Vulnerability and resilience to Alzheimer's disease: early life conditions modulate neuropathology and determine cognitive reserve. Alzheimer's Research & Therapy, 10, Article 95.[details]
Lesuis, S. L., Weggen, S., Baches, S., Lucassen, P. J., & Krugers, H. J. (2018). Targeting glucocorticoid receptors prevents the effects of early life stress on amyloid pathology and cognitive performance in APP/PS1 mice. Translational Psychiatry, 8, Article 53.[details]
Pillai, A. G., Arp, M., Velzing, E., Lesuis, S. L., Schmidt, M. V., Holsboer, F., Joëls, M., & Krugers, H. J. (2018). Early life stress determines the effects of glucocorticoids and stress on hippocampal function: Electrophysiological and behavioral evidence respectively. Neuropharmacology, 133, 307-318. Advance online publication.[details]
Kanatsou, S., Karst, H., Kortesidou, D., van den Akker, R. A., den Blaauwen, J., Harris, A. P., Seckl, J. R., Krugers, H. J., & Joëls, M. (2017). Overexpression of Mineralocorticoid Receptors in the Mouse Forebrain Partly Alleviates the Effects of Chronic Early Life Stress on Spatial Memory, Neurogenesis and Synaptic Function in the Dentate Gyrus. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 11, Article 132.[details]
Krugers, H. J., Arp, J. M., Xiong, H., Kanatsou, S., Lesuis, S. L., Korosi, A., Joels, M., & Lucassen, P. J. (2017). Early life adversity: Lasting consequences for emotional learning. Neurobiology of Stress, 6, 14-21. Advance online publication.[details]
Lesuis, S. L., van Hoek, B. A. C. E., Lucassen, P. J., & Krugers, H. J. (2017). Early postnatal handling reduces hippocampal amyloid plaque formation and enhances cognitive performance in APPswe/PS1dE9 mice at middle age. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 144, 27-35.[details]
Lissek, T., Adams, M., Adelman, J., Ahissar, E., Akaaboune, M., Akil, H., al'Absi, M., Arain, F., Arango-Lasprilla, J. C., Atasoy, D., Avila, J., Badawi, A., Bading, H., Baig, A. M., Baleriola, J., Belmonte, C., Bertocchi, I., Betz, H., Blakemore, C., ... Hasan, M. T. (2017). Building Bridges through Science. Neuron, 96(4), 730-735.[details]
Lucassen, P. J., Korosi, A., Krugers, H. J., & Oomen, C. A. (2017). Early life stress- and sex-dependent effects on hippocampal neurogenesis. In G. Fink (Ed.), Stress: Neuroendocrinology and Neurobiology Article 135–146 (Handbook of Stress; Vol. 2). Academic Press.[details]
Vogel, S., Klumpers, F., Navarro Schröder, T., Oplaat, K. T., Krugers, H. J., Oitzl, M. S., Joëls, M., Doeller, C. F., & Fernández, G. (2017). Stress Induces a Shift Towards Striatum-Dependent Stimulus-Response Learning via the Mineralocorticoid Receptor. Neuropsychopharmacology, 42(6), 1262–1271. Advance online publication.[details]
Arp, J. M., ter Horst, J. P., Loi, M., den Blaauwen, J., Bangert, E., Fernández, G., Joëls, M., Oitzl, M. S., & Krugers, H. J. (2016). Blocking glucocorticoid receptors at adolescent age prevents enhanced freezing between repeated cue-exposures after conditioned fear in adult mice raised under chronic early life stress. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 133, 30-38.[details]
Derks, N. A. V., Krugers, H. J., Hoogenraad, C. C., Joëls, M., & Sarabdjitsingh, R. A. (2016). Effects of Early Life Stress on Synaptic Plasticity in the Developing Hippocampus of Male and Female Rats. PLoS ONE, 11(10), Article e0164551.[details]
Kanatsou, S., Ter Horst, J. P., Harris, A. P., Seckl, J. R., Krugers, H. J., & Joëls, M. (2016). Effects of Mineralocorticoid Receptor Overexpression on Anxiety and Memory after Early Life Stress in Female Mice. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 9, Article 374.[details]
Lesuis, S. L., Maurin, H., Borghgraef, P., Lucassen, P. J., Van Leuven, F., & Krugers, H. J. (2016). Positive and negative early life experiences differentially modulate long term survival and amyloid protein levels in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease. Oncotarget, 7(26), 39118-39135. Advance online publication.[details]
Xiong, H., Cassé, F., Zhou, M., Xiong, Z. Q., Joels, M., Martin, S., & Krugers, H. J. (2016). Interactions between N-Ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor and GluA2 contribute to effects of glucocorticoid hormones on AMPA receptor function in the rodent hippocampus. Hippocampus, 26(7), 848-856.[details]
Kanatsou, S., Fearey, B. C., Kuil, L. E., Lucassen, P. J., Harris, A. P., Seckl, J. R., Krugers, H., & Joels, M. (2015). Overexpression of Mineralocorticoid Receptors Partially Prevents Chronic Stress-Induced Reductions in Hippocampal Memory and Structural Plasticity. PLoS ONE, 10(11), Article e0142012.[details]
Kanatsou, S., Kuil, L. E., Arp, M., Oitzl, M. S., Harris, A. P., Seckl, J. R., Krugers, H. J., & Joels, M. (2015). Overexpression of mineralocorticoid receptors does not affect memory and anxiety-like behavior in female mice. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 9, Article 182.[details]
Lucassen, P. J., Jacobs, E. H., Hoeijmakers, L., Lesuis, S. L., Krugers, H., Korosi, A., Kuhn, H. G., & Boekhoorn, K. (2015). Stem cells and neurogenesis in relation to Alzheimer's disease Models. In H. G. Kuhn, & A. J. Eisch (Eds.), Neural Stem Cells in Development, Adulthood and Disease (pp. 53-78). (Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine series). Human Press.[details]
Vogel, S., Klumpers, F., Kroes, M. C. W., Oplaat, K. T., Krugers, H. J., Oitzl, M. S., Joëls, M., & Fernández, G. (2015). A Stress-Induced Shift from Trace to Delay Conditioning Depends on the Mineralocorticoid Receptor. Biological Psychiatry, 78(2), 830-739.[details]
Vogel, S., Klumpers, F., Krugers, H. J., Fang, Z., Oplaat, K. T., Oitzl, M. S., Joëls, M., & Fernandez, G. (2015). Blocking the Mineralocorticoid Receptor in Humans Prevents the Stress-Induced Enhancement of Centromedial Amygdala Connectivity with the Dorsal Striatum. Neuropsychopharmacology, 40, 947-956.[details]
Xiong, H., & Krugers, H. J. (2015). Tuning hippocampal synapses by stress-hormones: Relevance for emotional memory formation. Brain Research, 1621, 114-120. Advance online publication.[details]
Xiong, H., Cassé, F., Zhou, Y., Zhou, M., Xiong, Z. Q., Joëls, M., Martin, S., & Krugers, H. J. (2015). mTOR is essential for corticosteroid effects on hippocampal AMPA receptor function and fear memory. Learning & Memory, 22(12), 577-583. Advance online publication.[details]
Arp, J. M., ter Horst, J. P., Kanatsou, S., Fernández, G., Joëls, M., Krugers, H. J., & Oitzl, M. S. (2014). Mineralocorticoid receptors guide spatial and stimulus-response learning in mice. PLoS ONE, 9(1), e86236.[details]
Krugers, H., & Joëls, M. (2014). Long-lasting Consequences of Early Life Stress on Brain Structure, Emotion and Cognition. In C. M. Pariante, & M. D. Lapiz-Bluhm (Eds.), Behavioral neurobiology of stress-related disorders (pp. 81-92). (Current topics in behavioral neurosciences; No. 18). Springer.[details]
Maccari, S., Krugers, H. J., Morley-Fletcher, S., Szyf, M., & Brunton, P. J. (2014). The consequences of early life adversity: neurobiological, behavioural and epigenetic adaptations. Journal of Neuroendocrinology, 26(10), 707-723.[details]
Sarabdjitsingh, R. A., Zhou, M., Yau, J. L. W., Webster, S. P., Walker, B. R., Seckl, J. R., Joëls, M., & Krugers, H. J. (2014). Inhibiting 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 prevents stress effects on hippocampal synaptic plasticity and impairs contextual fear conditioning. Neuropharmacology, 81, 231-236.[details]
Schouten, M., De Luca, G. M. R., Alatriste González, D. K., de Jong, B. E., Timmermans, W., Xiong, H., Krugers, H., Manders, E. M. M., & Fitzsimons, C. P. (2014). Imaging dendritic spines of rat primary hippocampal neurons using structured illumination microscopy. Journal of Visualized Experiments, 87, Article e51276.[details]
Vermetten, E., Zhohar, J., & Krugers, H. J. (2014). Pharmacotherapy in the aftermath of trauma; opportunities in the 'golden hours'. Current psychiatry reports, 16(7), 455.[details]
Wang, Q., Verweij, E. W. E., Krugers, H. J., Joels, M., Swaab, D. F., & Lucassen, P. J. (2014). Distribution of the glucocorticoid receptor in the human amygdala; changes in mood disorder patients. Brain Structure and Function, 219(5), 1615-1626.[details]
Maggio, N., Krugers, H. J., & Segal, M. (2013). Stress and steroid regulation of synaptic transmission: from physiology to pathophysiology. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 6, 69.[details]
Korosi, A., Naninck, E. F. G., Oomen, C. A., Schouten, M., Krugers, H., Fitzsimons, C., & Lucassen, P. J. (2012). Early-life stress mediated modulation of adult neurogenesis and behavior. Behavioural Brain Research, 227(2), 400-409. Advance online publication.[details]
Krugers, H. J., Karst, H., & Joëls, M. (2012). Interactions between noradrenaline and corticosteroids in the brain: from electrical activity to cognitive performance. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 6, Article 15.[details]
Krugers, H. J., Oomen, C. A., Gumbs, M., Li, M., Velzing, E. H., Joëls, M., & Lucassen, P. J. (2012). Maternal deprivation and dendritic complexity in the basolateral amygdala. Neuropharmacology, 62(1), 534-537.[details]
Pillai, A. G., de Jong, D., Kanatsou, S., Krugers, H., Knapman, A., Heinzmann, J-M., Holsboer, F., Landgraf, R., Joëls, M., & Touma, C. (2012). Dendritic morphology of hippocampal and amygdalar neurons in adolescent mice is resilient to genetic differences in stress reactivity. PLoS ONE, e0038971.[details]
Ramakers, G. J. A., Wolfer, D., Rosenberger, G., Kuchenbecker, K., Kreienkamp, H. J., Prange-Kiel, J., Rune, G., Richter, K., Langnaese, K., Masneuf, S., Bösl, M. R., Fischer, K. D., Krugers, H. J., Lipp, H. P., van Galen, E., & Kutsche, K. (2012). Dysregulation of Rho GTPases in the alphaPix/Arhgef6 mouse model of X-linked intellectual disability is paralleled by impaired structural and synaptic plasticity and cognitive deficits. Human Molecular Genetics, 21(2), 268-286.[details]
Zhou, M., Hoogenraad, C. C., Joëls, M., & Krugers, H. J. (2012). Combined β-adrenergic and corticosteroid receptor activation regulates AMPA receptor function in hippocampal neurons. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 26(4), 516-524. Advance online publication.[details]
van Hasselt, F. N., Boudewijns, Z. S. R. M., van der Knaap, N. J. F., Krugers, H. J., & Joëls, M. (2012). Maternal care received by individual pups correlates with adult CA1 dendritic morphology and synaptic plasticity in a sex-dependent manner. Journal of Neuroendocrinology, 24, 331-340.[details]
van Hasselt, F. N., Cornelisse, S., Zhang, T. Y., Meaney, M. J., Velzing, E. H., Krugers, H. J., & Joëls, M. (2012). Adult hippocampal glucocorticoid receptor expression and dentate synaptic plasticity correlate with maternal care received by individuals early in life. Hippocampus, 22(2), 255-266. Advance online publication.[details]
van Hasselt, F. N., Tieskens, J. M., Trezza, V., Krugers, H. J., Vanderschuren, L. J. M. J., & Joëls, M. (2012). Within-litter variation in maternal care received by individual pups correlates with adolescent social play behavior in male rats. Physiology & behavior, 106(5), 701-706.[details]
van Hasselt, F. N., Visser, L., Tieskens, J. M., Cornelisse, S., Baars, A. M., Lavrijsen, M., Krugers, H. J., van den Bos, R., & Joëls, M. (2012). Individual variations in maternal care early in life correlate with later life decision-making and c-fos expression in prefrontal subregions of rats. PLoS ONE, 7(5), Article e37820.[details]
Krugers, H. J., Zhou, M., Joëls, M., & Kindt, M. (2011). Regulation of excitatory synapses and fearful memories by stress hormones. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 5, Article 62.[details]
Marlatt, M. W., Philippens, I., Manders, E., Czeh, B., Joëls, M., Krugers, H., & Lucassen, P. J. (2011). Distinct structural plasticity in the hippocampus and amygdala of the middle-aged common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus). Experimental Neurology, 230(2), 291-301.[details]
Oomen, C. A., Soeters, H., Audureau, N., Vermunt, L., van Hasselt, F. N., Manders, E. M. M., Joëls, M., Krugers, H., & Lucassen, P. J. (2011). Early maternal deprivation affects dentate gyrus structure and emotional learning in adult female rats. Psychopharmacology, 214(1), 249-260.[details]
Zhou, M., Kindt, M., Joëls, M., & Krugers, H. J. (2011). Blocking mineralocorticoid receptors prior to retrieval reduces contextual fear memory in mice. PLoS ONE, 6(10), e26220.[details]
Krugers, H. J., Hoogenraad, C. C., & Groc, L. (2010). Stress hormones and AMPA receptor trafficking in synaptic plasticity and memory. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 11(10), 675-681.[details]
Krugers, H. J., Lucassen, P. J., Karst, H., & Joëls, M. (2010). Chronic stress effects on hippocampal structure and synaptic function: relevance for depression and normalization by anti-glucocorticoid treatment. Frontiers in Synaptic Neuroscience, 2(24), 24.[details]
Oomen, C. A., Soeters, H., Audureau, N., Vermunt, L., van Hasselt, F. N., Manders, E. M. M., Joëls, M., Lucassen, P. J., & Krugers, H. (2010). Severe early life stress hampers spatial learning and neurogenesis, but improves hippocampal synaptic plasticity and emotional learning under high-stress conditions in adulthood. The Journal of Neuroscience, 30(19), 6635-6645.[details]
Zhou, M., Bakker, E. H. M., Velzing, E., Berger, S., Oitzl, M., Joëls, M., & Krugers, H. J. (2010). Both mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid receptors regulate emotional memory in mice. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 94(4), 530-537.[details]
Alfarez, D. N., De Simoni, A., Velzing, E. H., Bracey, E., Joëls, M., Edwards, F. A., & Krugers, H. J. (2009). Corticosterone reduces dendritic complexity in developing hippocampal CA1 neurons. Hippocampus, 19(9), 828-836.[details]
Bagot, R. C., van Hasselt, F. N., Champagne, D. L., Meaney, M. J., Krugers, H. J., & Joëls, M. (2009). Maternal care determines rapid effects of stress mediators on synaptic plasticity in adult rat hippocampal dentate gyrus. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 92(3), 292-300.[details]
Jaworski, J., Kapitein, L. C., Montenegro Gouveia, S., Dortland, B. R., Wulf, P. S., Grigoriev, I., Camera, P., Spangler, S. A., Di Stefano, P., Demmers, J., Krugers, H., Defilippi, P., Akhmanova, A., & Hoogenraad, C. C. (2009). Dynamic microtubules regulate dendritic spine morphology and synaptic plasticity. Neuron, 61(1), 85-100.[details]
Joëls, M., Karst, H., Krugers, H. J., & de Kloet, R. (2009). Corticosteroid Actions on Electrical Activity in the Limbic Brain. In D. W. Pfaff, A. P. Arnold, A. M. Etgen, S. E. Fahrbach, & R. T. Rubin (Eds.), Hormones, brain and behavior. - 2nd ed. - Vol. 3: Cellular and molecular mechanisms of hormone actions on behavior (pp. 1397-1420). Academic Press.[details]
Krugers, H. J., & Hoogenraad, C. C. (2009). Hormonal regulation of AMPA receptor trafficking and memory formation. Frontiers in Synaptic Neuroscience, 1, Article 2.[details]
Martin, S., Henley, J. M., Holman, D., Zhou, M., Wiegert, O., van Spronsen, M., Joëls, M., Hoogenraad, C. C., & Krugers, H. J. (2009). Corticosterone alters AMPAR mobility and facilitates bidirectional synaptic plasticity. PLoS ONE, 4(3), Article e4714.[details]
Oomen, C. A., Girardi, C. E. N., Cahyadi, R., Verbeek, E. C., Krugers, H., Joëls, M., & Lucassen, P. J. (2009). Opposite effects of early maternal deprivation on neurogenesis in male versus female rats. PLoS ONE, 4(1), Article e3675.[details]
Pu, Z., Krugers, H. J., & Joëls, M. (2009). Beta-adrenergic facilitation of synaptic plasticity in the rat basolateral amygdala in vitro is gradually reversed by corticosterone. Learning & Memory, 16(2), 155-160.[details]
Zhou, M., Conboy, L., Sandi, C., Joëls, M., & Krugers, H. J. (2009). Fear conditioning enhances spontaneous AMPA receptor-mediated synaptic transmission in mouse hippocampal CA1 area. European Journal of Neuroscience, 30(8), 1559-1564.[details]
Alfarez, D. N., Karst, H., Velzing, E. H., Joëls, M., & Krugers, H. J. (2008). Opposite effects of glucocorticoid receptor activation on hippocampal CA1 dendritic complexity in chronically stressed and handled animals. Hippocampus, 18(1), 20-28.[details]
Champagne, D. L., Bagot, R. C., van Hasselt, F., Ramakers, G., Meany, M. J., de Kloet, E. R., Joëls, M., & Krugers, H. (2008). Maternal care and hippocampal plasticity: evidence for experience-dependent structural plasticity, altered synaptic functioning, and differential responsiveness to glucocorticoids and stress. The Journal of Neuroscience, 28(23), 6037-6045.[details]
Joëls, M., Krugers, H., & Karst, H. (2008). Stress-induced changes in hippocampal function. In E. R. de Kloet, M. S. Oitzl, & E. Vermetten (Eds.), Stress hormones and post traumatic stress disorder: Basic studies and clinical perspectives (pp. 3-15). (Progress in Brain Research; Vol. 167). Elsevier.[details]
Krugers, H. (2008). Stress en plasticiteit van de hersenen: effecten op functie en structuur. In J. Vandermeulen, M. Derix, & C. Lafosse (Eds.), Neuroplasticiteit (pp. 111-124, 199-201). Boom. [details]
Wiegert, O., Joëls, M., & Krugers, H. (2008). Corticosteroid hormones, synaptic strength and emotional memories: corticosteroid modulation of memory -- a cellular and molecular perspective. In E. R. de Kloet, M. S. Oitzl, & E. Vermetten (Eds.), Stress hormones and post traumatic stress disorder: Basic studies and clinical perspectives (pp. 269-271). (Progress in Brain Research; Vol. 167). Elsevier.[details]
Lucassen, P. J., Lesuis, S. L., Hoeijmakers, L., Yam, K. Y., Fitzsimons, C. P., Korosi, A., & Krugers, H. (2019). Brain plasticity in relation to (early life) stress, nutrition and dementia. Journal of Neural Transmission, 126(11), 1561-1562.
Loi, M., Sarabdjitsingh, R. A., Tsouli, A., Trinh, S., Arp, M., Krugers, H. J., Karst, H., van den Bos, R., & Joëls, M. (2017). Transient Prepubertal Mifepristone Treatment Normalizes Deficits in Contextual Memory and Neuronal Activity of Adult Male Rats Exposed to Maternal Deprivation. eNeuro, 4(5), Article e0253.[details]
Joëls, M., Fernandez, G., Krugers, H., & Karst, H. (2015). Brain mineralocorticoid receptor: The other one. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 61, 13.
Kanatsou, S., Fearey, B. C., Kuil, L. E., Lucassen, P. J., Harris, A. P., Seckl, J. R., Krugers, H., & Joels, M. (2015). Correction: Overexpression of Mineralocorticoid Receptors Partially Prevents Chronic Stress-Induced Reductions in Hippocampal Memory and Structural Plasticity. PLoS ONE, 10(12), Article e0145706.
Krugers, H. (2014). Stress en emoties: Van begrip tot behandeling? Tijdschrift voor coaching, 100-103. [01].
Membership / relevant position
Krugers, H. J. (2016-). board member, Amsterdam Brain and Cognition UvA.
Krugers, H. J. (2016-). Board Secretary of the Dutch Neurofederation, Dutch Neurodederation.
Krugers, H. J. (2016-). Board member of Stichting voor Interdisciplinair gedragsonderzoek (SIGO, Stichting voor Interdisciplinair gedragsonderzoek (SIGO)..
Krugers, H. J. (2013-). Board member European Brain and Behaviour Society (EBBS), European Brain and Behaviour Society.
Talk / presentation
Rouw, R. (speaker) & Krugers, H. J. (speaker) (21-11-2016). Zie je wat je ziet?, Congrescentrum Corpus.
Krugers, H. J. (speaker) (18-9-2016). Understanding fear memory formation: from synapses to targeting fear., ECNP Conference, Vienna.
Krugers, H. J. (speaker) (2-7-2016). Stress, synapses and memory, EMCCS meeting, Copenhagen.
Krugers, H. J. (speaker) (9-6-2016). Early Life Adversity moderates emotional memory processing, Dutch Neuroscience Meeting , Lunteren.
Krugers, H. J. (speaker) (24-5-2016). Stress and memory; from synapses to Alzheimer’s Disease, Stress and memory; from synapses to Alzheimer’s Disease, Dusseldorf.
Krugers, H. J. (speaker) (10-5-2016). Zie je werkelijk wat je ziet ?, Corpus.
Krugers, H. J. (speaker) (11-3-2016). Blood brain barrier clearance of Aβ peptides in Alzheimer’s disease Models, International Sichting voor Alzheimer Onderzoek, , Utrecht.
Krugers, H. J. (speaker) (16-2-2016). Molecular mechanisms underlying fear memories: importance to target fear., Molecular mechanisms underlying fear memories: importance to target fear., Bilbao.
Krugers, H. J. (speaker) (4-2-2016). Individual variation in memory formation, Social Brain Lab, Amsterdam.
Brinkhof, L. P., Ridderinkhof, K. R., de Wit, S., Krugers, H. J. & Murre, J. M. J. (29-11-2024). DATA/CODE: A cross-sectional network analysis of successful aging in a resilience-based framework. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
Brinkhof, L. P., Ridderinkhof, K. R., de Wit, S., Krugers, H. J. & Murre, J. M. J. (25-7-2024). METARECORD: A cross-sectional network analysis of successful aging in a resilience-based framework. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
Brinkhof, L. P., de Wit, S., Ridderinkhof, K. R., Murre, J. M. J. & Krugers, H. J. (22-7-2024). METARECORD: Boosting Resilience of Older Adults Using a Habit-Based Metacognitive Self-Help Intervention (MCSI). Universiteit van Amsterdam.
Brinkhof, L. P., Ridderinkhof, K. R., Krugers, H. J., Murre, J. M. J. & de Wit, S. (9-8-2023). METARECORD: Are Older Individuals Predisposed to Habitual Control More Resilient?. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
Brinkhof, L. P., de Wit, S., Murre, J. M. J., Krugers, H. J. & Ridderinkhof, K. R. (9-8-2023). METARECORD: The Subjective Experience of Ageism: The Perceived Ageism Questionnaire (PAQ). Universiteit van Amsterdam.
Brinkhof, L. P., Huth, K. B. S., Murre, J. M. J., de Wit, S., Krugers, H. J. & Ridderinkhof, K. R. (9-8-2023). METARECORD: The Interplay Between Quality of Life and Resilience Factors in Later Life: A Network Analysis. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
Brinkhof, L. P., Murre, J. M. J., de Wit, S., Krugers, H. J. & Ridderinkhof, K. R. (9-8-2023). METARECORD: Changes in Perceived Ageism during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Impact on Quality of Life and Mental Well-being Among Older Adults. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
Brinkhof, L. P., van de Vijver, I., de Wit, S., Krugers, H. J., Ridderinkhof, K. R. & Murre, J. M. J. (7-4-2022). CODEBOOK & ANALYSIS SCRIPTS: Psychological Coping and Behavioral Adjustment among Older Adults in Times of COVID-19: Exploring the Protective Role of Working Memory and Habit Propensity. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
Brinkhof, L. P., Ridderinkhof, K. R., Krugers, H. J., de Wit, S. & Murre, J. M. J. (19-2-2022). Datafiles. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
Brinkhof, L. P., Ridderinkhof, R., van de Vijver, I., de Wit, S., Murre, J. M. J. & Krugers, H. J. (30-4-2021). METADATA RECORD: Mental Resilience among Older Adults in Times of COVID-19: The Role of Working Memory and Habit Propensity. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
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