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The ‘ABC Support Grant’ supports ABC members in their (ongoing), cross-disciplinary (preferably cross-faculty) research.

>> Find all relevant documents and application form at the bottom of this page <<



The ABC Support Grant is intended to increase interdisciplinary collaboration between ABC members of all ranks. The aim is to provide additional support for (ongoing), cross-disciplinary research between ABC members (preferably of different faculties).

Closing date

Deadlines for submission: 1st of April, and 1st of October 2024.
The submissions will be evaluated by members of the ABC Board of Directors.
We aim to inform applicants of the outcome of their application within 3 weeks from the date of submission.

Intended period for selected ABC Support Grant projects until 31st of December 2024

What can be applied for?

RA salary, participant money, materials, …


Max. € 5.000,-

Who can apply?

  • Main applicants* are ABC members with at least a 0.5 fte appointment at the UvA/AUMC
  • Co-Applicants are ABC members, and have a tenured position or a temporary appointment at the UvA/AUMC

    *ABC Board of Directors are not permitted to submit as main applicants.

Application requirements

  • Applications are drawn up in accordance with the guidelines provided below.
  • Main goal: provide additional support for (ongoing), cross-disciplinary research within ABC
  • Applicants and co-applicants may only submit one proposal.

Application assessment

The ABC Board of Directors will consider the applications on the basis of:

  • The cross-disciplinary and collaborative nature of the project to be supported (50%)
  • The quality and novelty of the project (50%)

Both deadlines have passed, this funding portal has closed for applications in 2024.