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In order to train a new generation of brain and cognitive science researchers that is optimally prepared to work in interdisciplinary settings, ABC initiated the Research Master Brain and Cognitive Sciences and the ABC Summer School, in collaboration with the Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies. This page also lists a overview of ABC-related Master's and Bachelor's programmes.
The Research Master in Brain and Cognitive Sciences is an ambitious, two-year programme that is unique in its interdisciplinary perspective on cognition and neuroscience. The programme examines cognition from the level of molecules up to the behaviour and cognition, and from experiment to computation and modelling. Due to its close link to ABC, the programme features contributions from a.o. psychologists, neurobiologists, psychiatrists, philosophers, behavioural economists, logicians and linguists. The Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies (IIS) is responsible for the organisation and coordination of the Research Master Brain and Cognitive Sciences.
ABC-related Master's and Bachelor's programmes
Click on each of the programmes for further information.
In the Neuroeconomics track you learn to understand the brain’s role in controlling human behaviour. Receive interdisciplinary training in brain and cognitive sciences and economics. All with a strong focus on behavioural economics and neuroeconomics.
The brain consists of billions of interconnected neurons. The objective of the master's track Physiology of Synapses and Networks (PSN) is to understand how these neurons are organised and function in the network and how they influence our behavior. During the programme, you will meet the new challenges in neuroscience in a unique interdisciplinary training environment at the interface between cellular, network and behavioral neuroscience.
The Master of Logic Programme, offered by the the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC) at the University of Amsterdam, is a two-year international Master's programme providing intensive interdisciplinary research training in the foundations of mathematical and philosophical logic as well as their application in computer science, linguistics, and cognitive science.
The Master's programme in Music Studies is unique in enabling its students to familiarise themselves with historiography, cognitive science, postcolonial theory, computation, ethnography, or philosophy, and relate or combine these intellectual frameworks in their studies of music.
Als student Psychobiologie bestudeer je de werking van het brein op alle niveaus: van molecuul tot de menselijke geest. Je leert hoe het zenuwstelsel en de hersenen zijn opgebouwd, hoe neuronen werken en wat de relatie is tussen het brein en menselijk gedrag.
Heb je je ooit afgevraagd hoe denken werkt? Of hoe taal geleerd, verwerkt of geproduceerd wordt? Bij Cognition, Language and Communication (CLC) onderzoek je vanuit de psychologie en de exacte wetenschappen de relatie tussen denken, taal en communicatie. Die combinatie levert je een unieke Bachelor of Science op die je nergens anders in Nederland kunt behalen.
Linguistics focuses on our uniquely human capacity to use language – something indispensable in our daily life. As a linguist, you are interested in how language and speech are structured, how we acquire we language, how it can be impaired, how it is represented in the brain, how it functions in society, how we deal with 2, 3, or 4 languages at the same time, and how it changes. All of these questions are addressed in this broad Bachelor's programme in Linguistics.
Kun je je een leven voorstellen zonder muziek? Onderweg naar werk of school, op concerten, in de supermarkt, in de kerk of in een tempel, zelfs in je eigen hoofd klinkt er muziek. Bij Muziekwetenschap verdiep je je in muziek van dichtbij en ver weg, van vroeger en nu. Daarnaast leer je op een systematische manier vragen stellen over het belang van muziek in ons leven.
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