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Every year the Research Master Brain and Cognitive Sciences organises an international 2-weeks Summer School around a timely topic in the research field of Brain and Cognition. The Summer School is open for students of this master, as well as for national and international students of similar master programmes.

The Summer School closes with the annual ABC Symposium, which is organized around the same topic as the Summer School. During this symposium, the Annual Honorary Frijda Chair is awarded to an outstanding, interdisciplinary researcher in the field of brain and cognitive sciences.

Summer School 2025

Neurotechnology: New avenues to advance fundamental neuroscience and address brain disorders

  • Previous ABC Summer Schools
    • 2024: Neuro-AI: Harnessing AI to understand computation in mind and brain
    • 2023: The life of memories: from engram to affective disorders
    • 2022: Computations in Consciousness and Perception
    • 2021: Musicality - Unraveling our capacity for music
    • 2020: Gray Matter: an Interdisciplinary Perspective on the Aging Brain
    • 2019: The Emergent Mind
    • 2018: Social Cognition and the Brain
    • 2017: The Sleeping Brain: From Neural Networks to Cognition
    • 2016: Computational Modelling & Cognitive Development
    • 2015: Multisensory Integration and Synaesthesia
    • 2014: Early life experiences: from genes to cognition
    • 2013: Genes, The Brain and Human Behavior
    • 2012: Emotional memory: From patient to synapse
    • 2011: To Head or to Heed?
    • 2010: Neuroeconomics: An exciting joint venture
    • 2009: Consciousness and the Brain
    • 2008: Cognitive modelling: contrasting
    • 2007: Language, acquisition, processing and disorders
    • 2006: An interdisciplinary approach to cognitive developmental disorders
    • 2005: Cognitive development: from human evolution to language acquisition
    • 2004: Memory interdisciplinary perspectives
    • 2003: Human reasoning and cognitive science

Nico Frijda Chair

Nico Frijda (1927-2015) was emeritus professor of Psychology at the University of Amsterdam and a pioneer of Cognitive Science in the Netherlands. In his name an annual Honorary Chair has been established at the University of Amsterdam. Every year a prominent research in the field of Cognitive Sciences is appointed as visiting professor on the Frijda Chair. The acclaimed scientist gives the annual Frijda lecture and the theme of the annual ABC (Amsterdam Brain and Cognition Center) Summer School is determined by the expertise of the researcher holding the chair.

  • Previous Frijda Chairs

    2024 | Matthias Bethge, University of Tübingen, DE

    2023 | Stephen Maren. Texas A&M University, USA

    2022 | Wolf Singer, Max Planck Institute for Brain Research, Frankfurt, DE

    2021 | David Huron, Ohio State University, USA

    2020 | Ulman Lindenberger, Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Germany

    2019 | Greg Siegle, University of Pittsburgh, USA

    2018 | Brian Knutson,Stanford University, USA

    2017 | Jerome Siegel, Semel Institute for Neuroscience & Human Behavior (UCLA), USA

    2016 | Josh Tenenbaum, The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA

    2015 | Mark T. Wallace, Vanderbilt Brain Institute

    2014 | Micheal Meaney, McGill University, Canada. 

    2013 | Christine van Broeckhoven, University of Antwerp, Belgium

    2012 | Kevin LaBar, Duke University, USA

    2011 | Adele Diamond, University of British Columbia, Canada

    2010 | Ernst Fehr, University of Zürich, Switzerland

    2009 | Christof Koch, California Institute of Technology, USA

    2008 | James McClelland, Stanford University, USA

    2007 | Harald Clahsen, University of Essex, UK

    2006 | Annette Karmiloff-Smith, University College London, UK

    2005 | Michael Tomasello, Max Planck, Leipzig, Germany

    2004 | Richard Morris, University of Edinburgh, UK

    2003 | Keith Stenning, University of Edinburgh, UK